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Should Everybody Allowed Admission to University Without Seeing Their Level of Academic Ability ?

Stacy Handayani 29 / 16 19  
Apr 17, 2015   #1
Everybody should be allowed admission to university study programs regardless of their level of academic ability.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

As the education level has increased, some people argue that university has to give standard for everybody who have intention to enter college so as to keep the quality of university. On the other hand, some people believe that university should allow everybody entering university study program without seeing their level of academic since they can develop their abilities during their college period. However, I would argue that university has to held some selections process to improve their qualities.

The number of students who have intention to study in colleges have increased. For this reason, some people believe that university should not give restriction for them to enter college as they academic level can be increased and developed in campus life. For example, a stupid student can be a dilligent and a bright one as they surround by inteligent and clever people. As a result, they may get support from people arround them to be better than before. Therefore, it is better to give everybody a chance to experience college life.

On the other hand, a selection process to accept students should be held in order to keep the quality of university. Take one example, when students are graduated from senior high school, they have big intention to have a seat at university study program to get certificate. Before they enter at university, they have to pass some selection processes. As a result, they have to prepare for it along time before they enter the university. For this reason, the university can have the best student with excellent abilities. Therefore, this action can help the university to keep their education quality.

To conclude, allowing everybody to enter university without seeing their level of academic ability is good as the student can develop their academic ability while studying in university. However, Creating some enrollments for students to study at university is the best way to motivate the students and to keep the university quality. Therefore, it is imperative for universities to held selection processes for new students.
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
Apr 17, 2015   #2
- their level of academic (EXPERTISE) since they can develop their abilities during their college period.
- However, I would argue that university has to held(HOLD) some selection(s - DELETE) process to improve their qualities.
- they (THEIR) academic level can be increased and developed in campus life.
- For example, a stupid student can be a dilligent (DILIGENT) and a bright one as they surround by inteligent (INTELLIGENT) and clever people.
- As a result, they may get support from people arround(AROUND) them to be better than before.
- On the other hand, a selection process to accept students should be held (HOLD) in order to keep the quality of university.
- Take one example, when students are(HAVE) graduated from senior high school,
- Therefore, it is imperative for universities to held (HOLD) selection processes for new students.

Stacy, please turn on your spell check whenever you write an article as this helps a lot,sentence construction is also very crucial for you to send your message across.

PROOF READ more than once so you can be sure with your work.

lcturn87 - / 434 236  
Apr 17, 2015   #3
1) I'm having trouble with your first paragraph. Do you feel that as education standards increase that universities have to be more selective when admitting students to keep their reputation as an institution with academic excellence? Also, in this paragraph, you mention "level of academic" but the reader can only assume what this means. I think you may be referring to their academic record. However, schools have to look at this because of admissions requirements. The only other conclusion I can draw is that universities may believe in a student's potential to succeed so they don't scrutinize an academic record. This would open the door for more students to be admitted.

2) Personally, I would change the word stupid to academic weakness or learning difficulties. Some people with learning difficulties have problems in certain subjects, but maybe gifted in others.

3) Your transitions are good (Ex: On the other hand, However, etc). Yet, you use, "Take for Example" in the 3rd paragraph. Change it to "For example". Also, change students are graduated to "students graduate". When you mention to have a seat at a university, I would change this to "their intention is to be selected for a university degree program".

4) When you say enrollments this is the period when students are applying. You can mention standards for applying, because this would include test scores, grades, etc.

*I suggest explaining what quality of university means throughout this essay. I think you are discussing academic excellence but I would like you to explain this. Also, do you have an experience that you would like to tell?

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