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toefl essay, face-to-face communication, seeing the other person eye to eye

Arinadeer 2 / 2  
Nov 26, 2013   #1
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Although nowadays many people prefer to communicate with other people by dint of email, letter, telephone calls others prefer communicate with people face-to-face. As for me communication with people face-to-face is better. There are several following reasons why I like to converse with people only face to face.

Firstly when you communicate with people by dint of for example the Internet you could not really understand what the person really feel about you. You could not understand her/his feelings because computer is not able to transmit people emotion or behavior. You just sit on your chair front of computer and click on the symbols. You may be not really happy and have some trouble but you can write to your friend that everything is alright. And your friend will believe you. Or you could be really angry on your friend but do not write him about this. Of course the internet and other things for communication give many opportunities. For example if you are far from home and really miss your friends or relatives you can just sit front of your computer and to converse with them. But this converse will never substitute communication face-to-face.

Secondly if you communicate with another people who do not know you in real life you could not really know who it. Look at this you sit on chair front of computer and you have a many time for thinking about your speech. If you do not know something you are able to use the Google and your pen-friend has never known about your cheating. But when you communicate with people in real life you always see who they are. And if people do not know the first thing about something they can never hide this fact.

Thereby I think that to communicate with people face-to-face better than to use other type to communication such as email, letter, and telephone calls. Because when you communicate with other people in real life you are sure that who they are and what they really feel.
sri_1 5 / 8 5  
Nov 26, 2013   #2
Well structured essay.

Please take a note on the punctuation. Use comma in appropriate place. Especially after connectives such as firstly, secondly, although, for example.
Could have started as "Nowadays" instead of "Although nowadays ".
Avoid starting a sentence with "because" , "and", "but". Instead, use connectives like moreover, however, furthermore, etc.

Good luck!

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