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IELTS task 1: Family living in poverty in Australia in 1999

mangdoli 5 / 12 3  
Jul 8, 2013   #1
The table indicates the percentage of varied types of family living in poverty in Australia in 1999. It is clear from the table that the proportion of aged couple was the lowest while sole parent made up the highest rate.

According to the figures in this table, proportion of single aged person and couple no children were slightly equal. There was 6% single aged person living in poverty and this figure of couple no children was 7%. Moreover, single no children accounted for 19%, which was greater than the rate of couple with children by 7%

Additionally, sole parent living in poverty seems to be popular in Australia, reaching the highest rate with 21%. In contrast, aged couple just made up 4%. In general, the percentage of poor people all households stood at 11%, respectively.

dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jul 8, 2013   #2
The table indicates the percentage of varieddifferent types of familyfamilies living in poverty in Australia in 1999. I

...You need to improve clarity;
The table illustrates the percentage of people from different household types that live in poverty in Australia in 1999..
The rest is written well.

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