"Fatherhood ought to be emphasised as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children up."
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
No one can deny the truth that Mother plays a vital role in upbringing of child. She gives so much scarifices at early and even later stage of life to make her child a good human being. However, in today's modern fast paced era, Father also act a prodominent part in raising his child. So, I am absolutely in favor of this new notion 'FatherHood'.
In the past, Mother seemed to be more attached with child since birth as she was always around child to fulfil the basic needs of child. On the other hand, father used to give financial support to child by working hard to fulfil the basic needs of child like food, education and other necessary demands of child. Now this trend has been changed, nowadays, profound number of women have entered into worforce, so mothers are not able to give as much time as they used to give in early times.
This drastic change in lifestyle, has compelled both parents to be equally responsible for raising their children. Also, today's stringent education system requires both parents attention to be given to children. For example, new difficult concepts has been added to Mathematics course which are harder for a typical bachelor mother to understand. So, here father has to spare time to teach his child to get good grades and remain competitive in studies.
Both Fathers and Mothers possess strengths and skills that are important for upbringing their children socially and intectually. Both share equal responsibilties for making their child one of the successful person in life.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
No one can deny the truth that Mother plays a vital role in upbringing of child. She gives so much scarifices at early and even later stage of life to make her child a good human being. However, in today's modern fast paced era, Father also act a prodominent part in raising his child. So, I am absolutely in favor of this new notion 'FatherHood'.
In the past, Mother seemed to be more attached with child since birth as she was always around child to fulfil the basic needs of child. On the other hand, father used to give financial support to child by working hard to fulfil the basic needs of child like food, education and other necessary demands of child. Now this trend has been changed, nowadays, profound number of women have entered into worforce, so mothers are not able to give as much time as they used to give in early times.
This drastic change in lifestyle, has compelled both parents to be equally responsible for raising their children. Also, today's stringent education system requires both parents attention to be given to children. For example, new difficult concepts has been added to Mathematics course which are harder for a typical bachelor mother to understand. So, here father has to spare time to teach his child to get good grades and remain competitive in studies.
Both Fathers and Mothers possess strengths and skills that are important for upbringing their children socially and intectually. Both share equal responsibilties for making their child one of the successful person in life.