Running Brave is an intriguing and inspirational movie which is based on a true
story about a American First Nation individual who notoriously defeats his own personal
best. Director D.S. Everett Donald Shebib captured what it was like during the early
1960's and coming from a poverty stricken reservation and how one individual never
gave up in pursuing his dream. Choosing a cast of actors like Robby Benson, who
played Billy Mills. Given the intentions of Shebibs preview of this movie was that no
matter what nationality or where you come from even if you are First Nation everyone or
anyone's dreams do come true once you set your heart into it, and never give up!
Billy Mills is a young, tall, slim and talented person who entered cross country
races within his state and won every time. Mills dealt with racial discrimination all the
time yet, Benson (Mills) showed drive, endurance and ambition throughout this epic.
After, graduating from high school Mills won a scholarship to Kansas University and
attained his degree. While being at University Mills made a name for himself, he also
became well known around Kansas, and found love for the first time, too. Companies
wanted him to work for them so thinking that they just wanted to use he loses interest in
running. All these pressures and having to deal with family issues he leaves and goes
back home.
Mills enlisted in the United States Marine's corporation giving him all the tools
required to train for the biggest even of his lifetime. That would change his career
forever by becoming a role model nationwide for all First Nation. Which, was to be
able to enter into the summer Olympics, in Tokyo, Japan 1964.
Finally, Mills finds himself committed to two of his greatest passions; Love &
Ambition. The plot of this movie embraces struggles and overwhelming
expectations of one man who effortlessly conquers his long life dream. Also shows
people that there is still hope for oneself and that anything is possible if you set your
mind to it whether barriers are encountered. The ending is what I would have to say
was an astonishing finale and I believe that Benson did an excellent job as Mills with his
ability to visually show the similarity between the two.
story about a American First Nation individual who notoriously defeats his own personal
best. Director D.S. Everett Donald Shebib captured what it was like during the early
1960's and coming from a poverty stricken reservation and how one individual never
gave up in pursuing his dream. Choosing a cast of actors like Robby Benson, who
played Billy Mills. Given the intentions of Shebibs preview of this movie was that no
matter what nationality or where you come from even if you are First Nation everyone or
anyone's dreams do come true once you set your heart into it, and never give up!
Billy Mills is a young, tall, slim and talented person who entered cross country
races within his state and won every time. Mills dealt with racial discrimination all the
time yet, Benson (Mills) showed drive, endurance and ambition throughout this epic.
After, graduating from high school Mills won a scholarship to Kansas University and
attained his degree. While being at University Mills made a name for himself, he also
became well known around Kansas, and found love for the first time, too. Companies
wanted him to work for them so thinking that they just wanted to use he loses interest in
running. All these pressures and having to deal with family issues he leaves and goes
back home.
Mills enlisted in the United States Marine's corporation giving him all the tools
required to train for the biggest even of his lifetime. That would change his career
forever by becoming a role model nationwide for all First Nation. Which, was to be
able to enter into the summer Olympics, in Tokyo, Japan 1964.
Finally, Mills finds himself committed to two of his greatest passions; Love &
Ambition. The plot of this movie embraces struggles and overwhelming
expectations of one man who effortlessly conquers his long life dream. Also shows
people that there is still hope for oneself and that anything is possible if you set your
mind to it whether barriers are encountered. The ending is what I would have to say
was an astonishing finale and I believe that Benson did an excellent job as Mills with his
ability to visually show the similarity between the two.