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Fixed punishments for each type of crime? The rules must be flexible with the real condition

faizunaa17 49 / 91  
Nov 6, 2016   #1
Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should be always taken into account when deciding on the punishment.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, many criminal accidents occur almost every day. Some people argue that every kind of crime must have fixed penalty. However, others said that police should look at the situation, condition and also motivation of the arrested people for deciding the punishment. In order to make the justice become greater, I totally agree the second views that individual's motive must be included.

In my opinion, I am sure that every nation already had their own fixed regulation since the past time. However, the rules must be flexible with the real condition. When people is arrested by law department, they have rights to defend themselves and talk about why and how they do the delinquency that cause harmful in their environment. So, constitution just become the guidance to make the best verdict for them.

Taken example in my country, in the past time, media showed that a poor older grandma was arrested because they stole wood in the forest. The companies sued her to be imprisoned that was corresponded with civil law, but the lawyer refuse that. The grandmother said that actually she really didn't know about the tree-wood belongs to. She said that she found it in the central forest that near with their home, and bring just small and very few logs to made it became firewood that she sold in the market. Finally, people from industries forgave her, and she was freed from that case.

All in all, in the democratic era, we cannot see only one aspect to uphold fairness. Some reasons like the people's background, why they commit it, and how the effects of incident should be considered by the judgement. So, I hope it will be increase our peaceful and happiness in the future.
truonglanngoc 3 / 6  
Nov 6, 2016   #2
Hi faizunaa17, i have some suggestions for you :
- I totally agree with the second views
- ... delinquency that cause causes harmful
- constitution just becomebecomes the guidance
- ... be imprisoned that was corresponded with civil lawcorresponeded/have corresponded with civil law
- I hope it will be increase our peaceful ...

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