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Flying in the United States. How content were customers from the aircraft service there?

faizunaa17 49 / 91  
Nov 4, 2016   #1

These two figures provide information about how much customer was satisfied with aircraft service in United States in 1999, 2000, and 2007. While the bar chart gives in general, the table displays more specific using some indicators. Overall, during the eight years period, customers felt more convenient with the plane service. In contrast, their disappointment level decrease slightly each year. Besides that, flight attendants' aspects became the highest percentage among the others.

It can be seen that the percentage of satisfaction in 1999 was already doubled of the dissatisfied, 65 percent and 32 percent respectively. Then, satisfied percentage increased into 72 percent in 2007, made it tripled because of the fall of dissatisfied at 24 percent in the same year.

The result of the bar chart was similar with the table that almost all of indicators rose gradually each year. The biggest point was shown by flight attendants courtesy at 92 percent, while the lowest is seat's comfortable at 47 percent. The other aspects such as courtesy of check in / gate agents, price of tickets, and scheduled, placed second, third, and fourth position respectively.

moony stone 2 / 4 1  
Nov 4, 2016   #2

To be honest,you should use different vocabulary to get interest.Instead of using 'dissatisfied' twice in second paragraph,you can write 'unlikable.Every IELTS writing needs your opnion,you must put it at least once.Like 'in conclusion' you can put your vision upon the chart.

with regards
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
Nov 4, 2016   #3
Hi Faiz, below are my thoughts for your analysis.

- These two figuresBelow are representations of theprovide information
- abouton how much customer was satisfied
- are customers with aircraft service in ...
- In general,While the bar chart gives ina general perspective ,
- the table displays more specific information using some indicators.
- Overall, during the eight years period,
- In contrastOn the contrary , their
- Besides that, flight attendants' aspectsperformance became the highest ...

There you have it Faiz, as you can see there's still a lot more modification needed to be done in order to make your analysis stronger. For future writing reference, please make sure that you choose the right words to associate in your sentences as this affects the accuracy of your analysis.
Beauty17 56 / 88 5  
Nov 4, 2016   #4
Hallo.. here my suggestion for you.. hope it helps..

1. These two figures provide THE information about how much (the proportion) of customer WHO was satisfied (...) in THE United States ...

2.Overall, during the eight years period , ( i think there only 3 years, 1999, 2000, and 2007)

3. customers felt more convenientsatisfied with the plane service.

4. Besides that , flight attendants' aspects ...

Good luck!

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