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Follow local traditions or welcome cultural differences?

extrafresh 13 / 32  
May 6, 2011   #1
Hi there,

There were several assignmments on the same topic already. I tried mine part. Please anyone feel free to polish it. I knew that there are some grammatical and writing mistakes but I have no idea how to correct it. Please anyone can help.

Or you can emiall me at paulinwux@msn.com


Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. Discuss both this views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

It is widely accept that the tourists should respect local customs and behavior to the foreign countries. But some people raised concern of the host country should show its openness to different cultures. Personally I think the both 2 sides do not contradict with each other at all.

Knowing the languages and cultures of foreign country is not only for communicating easily with local people but the most important thing is to avoid awarkward situation and mis-understanding in cross-culture social life. For example, in Arab religious the left hand is usually associated with such negative things as dirty, unclean and sexual. It is usually considered offensive if you shake hands with the left hand but in Korea culture they must shake with their left hand.

Moreover, economic globallization leads to frequent contact in culture around the world. Learning different cultures does not mean to change the origin culture and identity. When it comes to the host country, thanks to openness and exporsure, local people and government benefits a lot from the diversity of traditional culture. For instance, more and more cross-border projects require assistances and participations of different counties.

Without questioning, it is quite hard to reach an absolute conslusion to this issue. Certainly for sure that the situation is win-win game for both sides.
zailn 6 / 16  
May 7, 2011   #2
It is widely accepted that the tourists should respect local customs and behavior to the foreign countries. But some people raised concern of thewhether the host country should show its openness to different cultures. Personally I think the both 2 ("both" has already delivered the meaning "2") sides do not contradict with each other at all.

Knowing the languages and cultures of foreign country is not only for communicating easily with local people but the most important thing is to avoid awkward situation and misunderstanding in cross-cultural social life. For example, in Arab religiousreligion the left hand is usually associated with such negative things such as dirty, unclean and sexual. It is usually considered offensive if you shake hands with the left hand but in Korean culture they must shake with their left hand.

Moreover, economic globalization leads to frequent contact ofin culture around the world. Learning different cultures does not mean to change the origin culture and identity. When it comes to the host country, thanks to openness and exposure, local people and government benefits a lot from the diversity of traditional culture. For instance, more and more cross-border projects require assistances and participations of different counties.

Without questioning, it is quite hard to reach an absolute conclusion to this issue. Certainly for sure that the situation is win-win game for both sides.

for spelling mistakes
my suggestions

I think you made a good point on the topic!
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
May 7, 2011   #3
...and behavior in foreign countries.

...raise concerns about whether...

...negative things such as dirty, unclean and sexual acts.

It is usually considered offensive if you shake hands with the left hand but in Korean culture they must shake with their left hand.---Very interesting!!

Make the corrections suggested by Crystal, and type the essay again. I know it is tedious, but you must type the essay again so your brain will remember the correct grammar. Keep practicing! Use these corrections and Crystal's corrections.

OP extrafresh 13 / 32  
May 10, 2011   #4
Hey Crystal and Kevin,

Great thanks for helping me at this essay. Now I knew that I need to do more practice on my writing. I will try hard one more time. Thanks, again.

All the best


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