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The host country should welcome cultural differences but people have to follow the local behavior

farhan110991 11 / 17 8  
Apr 16, 2015   #1
some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local custom and behaviour. others disagree and think the host country should welcome cultural differences. discuss?

In the last few decades, travelling to other countries is becoming more and more popular. As such, more attention should be paid on how tourist behave to blend with local culture. For this reason, many a person contends that they should follow the local custom. However, I would personally argue that the travelers should behave well about new culture.

One of the reason that people have to follow the local behavior is that they get more new sensation of holiday. Indonesian statistics showed that 80 % of tourists travelling to Indonesia want to feel a new experience of the local culture such as participating in a traditional wedding celebration or traditional dance. Based on this information, the newcomers should blend with the local custom to feel this new sensation.

In addition, due largely to the norms of the culture, the travelers must obey the local customs. In Timor Leste, for instance, the tourists have to meet with the head of the tribe to get permission to stay in the village with the natives. The leader will give a punishment if the tourists break the rule. It is clear how important it is to conform with the host country's regulations.

However, the tourist, in my perspective, should not adapt with the local culture. Basically, it is because some travelers sometimes find it uncomfortable. A 2014 study conducted by South-Wales University demonstrated that this uncomfortable feeling leads to a significant decrease in the number of tourists in Australia. For this reason, local people should not force the travelers to follow their customs if they feel unpleasant with it. This trend should not be implement on all of the tourists if countries wish to increase the number of tourists.

The aforementioned evidence reveals that while some people believe that the travelers must blend with the host country's custom, I personally think that it is unnecessary for all tourists. Where possible, the tourist should simply give tolerance to the local custom when they are travelling to other countries.
sblack - / 8 4  
Apr 16, 2015   #2
I am going to make some changes to your work, if you have any questions, let me know! :)

However, I would personally argue that the travelers should behave well about new culture. (what do you mean? I don't understand.)

One of the reason that people have to follow the local behavior is that they get more new sensation of holiday (what do you mean? rephrase this because I can't understand.) .

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