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Gender Studies - Critical summary

charlita 1 / -  
Sep 1, 2020   #1
i need help, i need to submit my "critical summaries" however i never did any. And if i dont pass the exam, i will be kicked out of uni :(

Are these understandable and summarish? PLEASE HELP

Gender Studies, Transgender Studies, Queer Studies is a chapter written by Evelin Kilian.

It has been published in 2012 and consists of three subchapters. Kilian not only mentions the difference between sex and gender she also talks about the cultural and social system that still is based on inequality and is full of hegemonic masculinity.

Changing Concepts of Gender is her first subchapter which informs the reader about how the early Women Studies in the 1960s got shifted into the Gender Studies. This shift gave emphasis on the structural function of gender in society. Further, the chapter explains the difference between sex and gender. Sex is the biological difference between male and female and gender refers to the social and cultural differentiation of masculinity and femininity. Gender is mostly used as an identity. The difference between those terms can be further specified in sociological and psychological perspectives to analyze the ongoing relations in the system of gender. The relations in societies structure are still underlying the hegemonic masculinity. This term displays the field of multiple shifting masculinities divided into two e.g. gay men are subordinated to hegemonic men according to Connell. The second subchapter dives into the topic of Transgender Studies, Queer Theory and the contributions of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler into this field of study. The chapter talks about the strengthening that heteronormativity has on the connection between heterosexuality and gender. Heterosexuality is the cultural that happens through the coherence of sex, gender and sexuality. However, the theoretical approach of heteronormativity highlights the dependence of gender and sexuality, which could raise complications to identify gender as its own category. The third and last subchapter, which is also the last main argument, is based on Gender and Sexuality in English and American Studies. It is said that gender is a main defining organization principle in culture and society and has become important to be able to analyze literary studies. Furthermore, the text explains, that Queer Theory accentuates the "third space" (transgender, queergender) to rearrange the binary system. Lastly it touches on the subject of feminist narratology and queer narratology and how it provoked the so-called norm of gender and sexuality. That homophobia and the homosexual panic are excused by the heterosexual structure men determine.

Kilian not only used evidence to support her work, she ended her chapter by stating the strongest argument saying that such an oppressed topic awakened fear in some and created a "panic". The text was in a chronological order and touched upon subjects that still are major nowadays. Gender Studies are still developing and yet to be explored. It is one of the main topics not only in literature but in society. Kilian wrote these subchapters in a coherent and progressing way, beginning with the history and ending it with the ongoing obstacles. Gender Studies is a very sensitive topic one should approach with respect. To explain, that the oppression of women started this study and shifted towards the general term Gender Studies was very clever. Nowadays, one cannot produce any type of writing without considering the importance of embracing the importance of gender and sexuality in a text.

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Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15208  
Sep 2, 2020   #2
The summary you are to provide is not only a run-down of the text, it is a summary of the information provided. You have to summarize the opinion in a manner that allows you to give a general discussion feel to the presentation. You don't just keep on telling the reader what the book contains. It needs to contain a reference to an analysis of the reading. I bet your professor gave you instructions for the writing of the summary. You should go have a look at the instructions and this time, write the summary based on the given instructions. Your summary isn't really that good. It sounds like you just threw something together to meet the class requirement instead of presenting your summary in a manner that shows what you learned based upon the provided reading material.

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