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Global Concern over Global warming & Climate change

Edna 7 / 19 7  
Dec 15, 2012   #1
Climatic changes resulting from global warming has been a global concern. What in your opinion should be done to prevent this?
I find it very difficult to write this topic as well as expressing my ideas about this problem :( Please help to correct my mistakes. Thank you :)

Global warming and climate change seem to be hot issues in my Agendas and are likely to be International concerns. This essay will analyze the causes and some solutions to prevent global warming.

When the heat and the light of the sun enter the atmosphere but cannot get out as they are trapped in the earth's surrounding by the greenhouse gases and thus resulting in temperature rise. The greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide play vital roles in greenhouse effect and excessive emission of these gases through various means is a major cause of global warming. The warmer it gets, the greater the risk for more severe changes to the climate and earth's system. Although it's difficult to predict the exact impacts of climate change, what is clear is that the climate we are accustomed to is no longer a reliable guide for what to expect in the future.

Another important reason for global warming is large amount of carbon dioxide produced from burning fossil fuels for different purposes especially for power generation on various power plants. Fossil fuels are fuels made of organic matter such as coal or oil. Due to burning large amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leading to the increase in the temperature of earth's environment.

To prevent global warming, one of the things that each individual can opt for is use of alternative forms of energy production other than fossil fuels which give large amounts of carbon dioxide. Use of solar energy can be a good alternative which can be employed. Another thing we can do is to plant trees in their backyard or street which are natural controllers of the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.

Global warming is also caused due to less knowledge about it. Therefore awareness should be provided mainly to children and those in the factories so that they can also think about ways to conserve energy and to prevent the global warming. The future generation must be encouraged and taught to save the earth, our habitat. The media has a major role to play in making people understand the importance of global warming and its concerns. Only a collected effort by the entire humanity can reduce the global warming, which is a deep rooted problem.

Global warming cannot be removed suddenly but many of the measures mentioned above if followed by each individual can contribute to reducing and preventing the global warming. Together we can make things happen and it is up to each of us to ensure that we take all steps to reduce global warming for us and for our future generation.

Pahan 1 / 1901 553  
Dec 16, 2012   #2
When the heat and the light of the sun enter the atmosphere but cannot get out as they are trapped in the earth's surrounding by the greenhouse gases and thus resulting in temperature rise.

Heat rays from the sun is what keeps the Earth warm. But if these heat rays get trapped in the atmosphere, they would cause the temperature to rise. Green house gases such as Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide traps these heat rays and prevent them from returning to space. This results in global warming.

Another important reason for global warming is large amount of carbon dioxide produced from burning fossil fuels for different purposes especially for power generation on various power plants.

Another reason for global warming is the excessive emission of Carbon Dioxide to the atmosphere. Burning of fossil fuels is the main source of Carbon Dioxide emission.

Global warming is also caused due to less knowledge about it.

I think you should present this idea in another way.

You have some very good points. :)
dumi 1 / 6911 1592  
Dec 16, 2012   #3
Global warming and climate change seem to be hot issues in my Agendas and are likely to be International concerns.

why do you say "in my agendas" ? .... for me, it sounds a bit odd :(

Have a look at Pahan's suggestion. You have written this whole idea in one sentence and Pahan has broken it down to two. Pahan's version reads better and clearer. So, try and avoid very lengthy sentences :)

Global warming cannot be removed suddenly

Global warming cannot be stopped over night
OP Edna 7 / 19 7  
Dec 16, 2012   #4
Hey Pahan, thanks for your rephrasing the para for me.
About the sentence " Global warming is caused due to less knowledge about it ", what do you think about this one " Global warming is also resulting from lack of knowledge " (better? or I should try another one)

Oh Dumi :)))) I wanna explain, lol.
I didn't mean that (about the phrase "in MY Agendas"), it's because of the typo you know haha. Hate it sometimes :)
Pahan 1 / 1901 553  
Dec 17, 2012   #5
Hmm yeah it does sound better but I think it's best to stick with just simply saying awareness of global warming would help man tackle it better. Or you must show how the lack of awareness leads to global warming. :)

Hope you figure it out. :)

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