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(ielts graph) leisure time in a typical week spend by male and female

christyj 5 / 15  
Feb 27, 2013   #1
The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
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The given bar chart illustrates the leisure time in a typical week spend by male and female who are employed part time and full time, unemployed, housewives and retirees in the years 1998-1999.

Overall, the same number of hours are spend by employed and retired male and female which are 85 hrs and 80hrs period respectively. The same trend can be observed in case of women who are employed full time and part time that are 38 hrs and 40hrs respectively. Housewives are getting leisure time approximately equal to the number of hours of the full time employed men, fifty hours.

On the contrary, the number of leisure time spends by part time employed men are not available. Employed full time men spend only half the hours of leisure time than of the unemployed and retired man. In the same way, the number of hours spends by the unemployed, retired women are two times higher than that of part time, and fulltime employed women.

In short, men are enjoying more leisure time while comparing to women. However, the differences of number of leisure hours between the both sexes are minimal.

dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Feb 27, 2013   #2
The bar chart illustrates how the leisure time in a typical week is spent by males and females belong to the categories of employed full time and part time, unemployed, housewives and retirees.

spend - present tense
spent - past tense
I spend money/ I spent money last year/ I have spent money/ money is spent

You could have given more details here. Also you need to pay attention to grammar
mhss 18 / 53 18  
Mar 3, 2013   #3
Thanks for your comments on "space vs malnutrition".
Second sentence after the introduction of the graph, to be included as if you are looking at a glance, preferably without figures. Then, it will give your writing a nice print.

OP christyj 5 / 15  
Mar 3, 2013   #4
Hai Dumi, Wu and Desilva..

thanks for your great corrections..
it was really valuable about the grammar corrections....).
thanks again

Hi Wu..
though your corrections are already noticed by Dumi, thanks for your which you spent for me.

Hai Desilva..

thanks for your suggestion too


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