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IELTS Writing Task 1: Graphs ; Actual number of houses constructed in UK 2002

Joohi24 3 / 8 2  
Oct 11, 2013   #1
The table describes the actual number of houses constructed against the estimated values, in various regions of England in 2002.
Maximum houses were built in Southern England (excluding London) and the recorded figure was 77,500 , which was around 25% more than the estimated figures for the region. In London only 24,800 houses were estimated to be built, however the actual houses built were almost 50% more than the projected figure. In Central England and Northern Ireland, twice the number of estimated houses were actually built. The estimated and the actual figures for Central Ireland were 8,100 and 16,200 respectively, while for Northern England the figures were 2,500 and 5,000 respectively. In Northern England 13,500 houses were constructed against the estimated figure of 9,300. A little more than 50% houses (estimated) were actually built in Wales. Scotland was the only region in England where the actual number of houses built were 3,000, which was less than the estimated figure of 3,200.

To conclude, Southern England had the maximum house constructed while Scotland had the least.

  • Number of houses in England
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Oct 11, 2013   #2
The table describes theactual number of houses constructed against the estimated values, in various regions of England in 2002.

.... this is the sentence that you use to introduce the graph. So it should clearly state the background of what your table presents. It is not very clearly expressed here. This is what I suggest;

The table presents the actual figures against the estimated figures , of the houses constructed in different regions in the UK in 2002.
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Oct 11, 2013   #3
Everything seems to be crowded in one big paragraph. Have two paras - One to discuss the main trends (which is mentioned as the "overview" in dumi's suggested structure.) For example, except for Scotland, all other regions have surpassed the estimated figures in housing construction. Then have the next para to discuss them in detail withe more facts and figures.
OP Joohi24 3 / 8 2  
Oct 12, 2013   #4
Thank you so much

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