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Should history be taught in academic life of any student?

birdman 3 / 28  
Apr 4, 2011   #1
Hi please check my essay, grammar. And whether it is good or not. I will be glad to receive any complaint you write. Thanks. Let me start.

Some people admit that studying history has a little impact on student's academic life. While others admit that studying such subjects as mathematics and science are more available than history. Whether it is worthy or not studying history today is quite an interesting issue.

I personally think that studying history in some cases is important, yet people should know where to draw a line. I mean that it depends on student's further profession. If one wants to be a historian, it becomes an obligation for him to study history. But according to the today's society and situation, the number of people who want to be a historian is decreasing non-stop. So it would be true to say that more and more people, especially youth, are more likely to study mathematics or IT (information technology).

There is no doubt that our modern world is developing rapidly almost daily. And people should go head by head with modern developments. People do not enjoy studying history as much as they did in not so distant past. Children and students are more likely to spend their time in front of their computers sitting hours and hours. Understanding and using modern technology means that students should be knowledgeable about such subjects like maths and even science. In order to function well in the society student need an understanding of the above mentioned subjects.

In conclusion,I would like to state that learning from the mistakes of history and reading ideas of generation are important to humans' experience but they should not be learned so seriously. It is more important for student's to study Mathematics and IT rather than history, because this is a field which would ensure people their good and successful life.
EF_Susan - / 2364 12  
Apr 6, 2011   #2
if you use "while" this way, it should be in the middle of a long sentence, after a comma:
Some people admit that studying history has a little impact on student's academic life, while others admit ...

Above, do not use the word "admit." If you tell a lie and I accuse you of lying, you might admit that you told a lie. It means to say something you did not want to say. It is like the word "confess." Instead, use the word "believe" above.

that studying such subjects as mathematics and science are more available than history. Whether it is worthy or not studying history today is quite an interesting issue.-----Do not end the first paragraph by saying it is interesting. At the end of the paragraph, give your main idea for the essay.

but they should not be learned so seriously. It is more important for student's to study Mathematics and IT rather than history, because this is a field which would ensure people their good and successful life.-----You wrote this very well! You should be confident.

However, I want to challenge you: Until you study certain events of history, you cannot truly understand human nature, and you will have false ideas about what is going on in the present. History repeats itself, and if you study it you can see the patterns and have WISDOM. :-)
OP birdman 3 / 28  
Apr 7, 2011   #3
Thank you very much for corrections. I have got only one question... How should I finish my first paragraph?
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Apr 9, 2011   #4
Whether it is worthy or not studying history today is quite an interesting issue.

Here is the sentence you planted in the reader's mind at the end of that paragraph. I think you should add a sentence to the end of that paragraph, and let it be a sentence that sums up the main idea of the essay.

Do not end the first paragraph by saying it is interesting. At the end of the paragraph, give your main idea for the essay.

So, what is the main idea? I think it is like this:
History is obviously worth studying, but in order to survive in this modern world some other subjects, such as mathematics and science, are more urgent and consequential. That is the way to sum up your main idea.

OP birdman 3 / 28  
Apr 10, 2011   #5
And after such a beginning I can briefly begin writing my essay, I mean 2 paragraphs of my points of view and conclusion?
stroakstar 1 / 3  
Apr 10, 2011   #6
A people's history is a type of historical work which attempts to account for historical events from the perspective of common people. A people's history is the history of the world that is the story of mass movements and of the outsiders. Individuals not included in the past in other type of writing about history are part of this theory's primary focus, which includes the disenfranchised, the oppressed, the poor, the nonconformists, and the otherwise forgotten people. This theory also usually focuses on events occurring in the fullness of time, or when an overwhelming wave of smaller events cause certain developments to occur.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Apr 11, 2011   #7
And after such a beginning I can briefly begin writing my essay, I mean 2 paragraphs of my points of view and conclusion?

Yes, a great method is like this:

Say it.
Explain it.
Say it again.

But remember, writing is art. I am only telling you about the "structure" that is expected in academic writing. In other writing, you should express yourself without following any rules at ell.

OP birdman 3 / 28  
Apr 17, 2011   #8
I am having my IELTS examination next month. Can you probably predict the title of the essay? I am asking you because you are the ace at such things. What do you think EF_Kevin?
my1manarmy - / 1  
Apr 17, 2011   #9
" My Present may make my future, but the vision always comes from my Past".
Do not ignore the value of studying history, those who forget their history are forgotten by history. :-)
Real Fog 5 / 26  
Apr 17, 2011   #10
Where are from Birdman ?
OP birdman 3 / 28  
Apr 17, 2011   #11
I am from Samarkand, Uzbekistan. And my next exam is on the 28th of April.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Apr 20, 2011   #12
an you probably predict the title of the essay?

No... I don't have any idea what it will be! I don't work in that industry. I just read this online writers' group. :-) Good luck on the exam!
Real Fog 5 / 26  
Apr 21, 2011   #13
To birdman...21.04.11 i hope you were told when you speaking exam will be ...Good luck. P/S: I am from Tashkent.
OP birdman 3 / 28  
Apr 21, 2011   #14
Real Frog and have you ever passed an IELTS examination? If yes, what score did you achieve?
Real Fog 5 / 26  
Apr 21, 2011   #15
7...i am planning to retake. Consider yourself as a lucky candidate if you have Mr Alex as your speaking examiner...not David (it is my personal opinion)

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