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Immigrants should abandon their own ways and adapt to local customs?

hungvud 19 / 30 6  
Dec 21, 2012   #1
Nowadays, more people are migrating to other countries than ever before. In order to become integrated into society in their adopted countries, immigrants should to abandon their own ways and adapt to local customs and codes of behaviour.

Do you agree or disagree?

There are a variety of different opinions on whether or not immigrants should change their behaviour to fit in their new country. Although some people would no doubt disagree, I personally believe that newcomers should indeed try to adapt. In my view, this means following both the written laws and social customs of their adopted country. There are two primary reasons for this.

First, it is obvious that society would not function properly if newcomers did not obey the laws. One particular good example of this is road rules. Imagine what would happen if people refused to drive on the same side of the road. Thus, it is nescessary for immigrants to make sure that they obey the law in their new country even if laws in their home country are different. Two other examples of things which are allowed in some countries but illegal in others are owning a gun and gambling.

Second, it is important to remember that societies are built on shared values. The social rules of a country are the glue that keeps it together, so new immigrants must respect them. Certainly, having many different cultures makes a country more interesting; however, I would argue that too much difference weakens a society by making people feel that they do not belong there. I believe that similarities between people bring them together, while their differences pull them apart. A healthy society is a society with strong sense of unity.

In conclusion, I once again restate my view that new immigrants to a country must try to adapt to local rules of behaviour. As the old saying goes: "when in Rome, do as the Romans do"
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Dec 21, 2012   #2
Very good introduction; good structure/ excellent vocabulary/ awesome presentation :)

First, it is obvious that society would not function properly if newcomers did not obey the laws.

... strong point :)

I once again restate

I once again reinstate :)

Nice Job! I have nothing to point out for further improvement.... You would certainly have a real good score.
Why not join us and help other people too? I wish if you would become a contributor :)
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Dec 21, 2012   #3
Very nice essay. And I completely agree with you. But maybe you could have just added that it is also very important not to forget where you came from. For example certain rules in countries might go against certain traditions of other countries. Even though you should respect the rules of the country you are currently living in, it is important not to forget your traditions as well.
skynet0512 2 / 5  
Dec 27, 2012   #4
Hi. I just think "Firstly" and "Secondly" are more appropriate since "First" and "Second" are usually used to describe steps in a certain process.

whether or not immigrants should change their behaviour to fit in their new country

Whether or not immigrants should change their living styles to familiarize themselves with a new culture"

Besides, as far as I know, negative sentences should be avoided. for example: First, it is obvious that society would function improperly if newcomers disobey the laws.
a608863a 5 / 21 1  
Dec 27, 2012   #5
Two other examples of things which are allowed in some countries but illegal in others are owning a gun and gambling.
devabe2005 46 / 97  
Dec 27, 2012   #6
Good Essay, still improve vocabulary it will be super.

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