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IELTS Writing Task 2 - The most important achievements for any child?

hyperephania 10 / 27  
Jul 18, 2018   #1
Playing a musical instrument is one of the most important achievements for any child. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Learning how to play a music

The role of music in our life is widely debated, with some people claim that every child should master at least a music instrument. Personally, I agree with this viewpoint, and I will explain why in this essay.

Firstly, playing music acts as a precursor to a child's mental development. It is true to argue that learning any musical instruments, let alone mastering one, is time-consuming, tedious and requires constant efforts. Hence, through the learning process, children may inadvertently acquire patience and diligence, making learning more complicated things such as subjects much easier. Secondly, playing musical instruments is a healthy way of entertainment. Compared to children who spend hours straining their eyes at computer or mobile phone screens, other who consider playing music a hobby are proved to rarely have to suffer from any types of eye disorders. Finally, strange as it may sound, when it comes to one's adolescence and adulthood, the ability of being master in any musical instruments can make him stand out of the crowd and draw admiration.

I do understand the opposing view that getting a child to learn such tough thing as musical instruments from an early age may cause mental damages. Long tiring days of hard training with an instrument without any likelihoods that he would be able to master it may render loss in confidence and self-belief. However, this does not always happen and can be fixed by a loosened timetable or consistent encouragements from teachers and parents.

To conclude, I believe that the ability of playing musical instruments is conducive to any child and should be acquire from an early age. Above all, though, I think that the learning instrument process needs to be a gradual process, based on careful support rather than undue pressure.

NganNguyen - / 1  
Jul 18, 2018   #2
The role of music in our life ...

Hey, I don't know the above introduction that I gave whether better or not, but you may want to check it...

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