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Is it important to maintain the extended relative relationship?

fucenying435503 1 / -  
Sep 30, 2010   #1
with the advent of the 21 century, people are leading more efficent and occupied life. Does extended family relationship remain the same status as it used to be in the old time is an issue in concern. Some people argue it is less important to maintain the extended relative relationship, me, nevertheless, hold the opppsite opinion.

first of all, faster pace of life and higher burden from work have added extra presurre on people of all walks. therefore, we all need someone beside us to pour out the worries and unhappiness. the extended family relatives, such as cousins and grandparents, usually were alongside us while we were growing up. For this sake, they are the best people turn to when we need a talk to release the pressure from life. The support or advise from a cousin, for instance, as a relative as well as a close friend, may especially add confidence and courage to those who are facing difficuties.

moreover, in nowadays, a plenty of people left their home town to big cities for studying or earning a living. compared with life in rural places, living in a metropolis means feeling of isolated and higher possibility to be psychological illness. in this occasion, keeping a close contact with extended family members, especially the ones in the same city, brings a lot of consolation and convenience.

the last but not the least, family loyalty is an crucial rescourse in our life. according to a investigation conducted by the sociology department of Harward university, 24 percentage of interviewees as I recall, are willing to finacially help their cloest friends, whereas, suprisingly, 71 percentage say they would aid their relatives in money need, including the immediate family and extend family. the data demonstrate that, the family link, is actually the most reliable resource in our life.

Of course, there are some drawbacks to maintain a close relationship with extended family members, such as time-wasting or excessive spendings. However, the benefits, on the other side are obviously outweigh the disadvantages.

I really need feedbacks, the more the better~thanks

mea505 - / 265  
Sep 30, 2010   #2
I really need feedbacks, the more the better~thanks

Hi! I read through your essay, then I read through some of Kwang's corrections that were made in the last response to your essay. Not only do I agree with his corrections, I also agree with what he (or she) says at the end of the response. I think you ought to offer more of a counter-argument with regard to your essay. In other words, the essay needs work with respect to the corrections, but it could also hold more views with respect to the argument in the other direction, or coming from a different perspective. I think that you have a wonderful essay here, and I also think that you did a good job putting it together -- now just work in it a little more, polish it up for us -- so that we can read it again. Does this make sense to you?

--Mark :)

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