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What's more influencial on child's development? Family influence or Other factors?

leotimothy 1 / 2  
Jun 27, 2013   #1
hi, i'm a newbie here, i really want to join the page to improve my writing skill . thanks a lot :3
here is the topic :
Topic: Some people think that families have the most powerful infuence on child's development while others think other factors such as television, friend, music, etc. have biggest effects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

here is my essay
Many people have been staggered by the question about the factor which has the greatest influence on a child's development. Some people believed that families are the answers, but a number of people think that other factors such as friends, TV, etc have the most influence on a child's development. This essay will describe the writer's viewpoint and opinion on both opinions.

It cannot be denied the role of families, especially parents on children's development as parents take shape the child's personalities and growth. Thus, the children will become fragile and be easily affected by bad habits if they lack of care from their parents. Families also are the guidance for the child when they are young. A child in one or two years old is taught speaking and using the basic things. As they grow older, the fundamental social behaviors are needed to acknowledge.

Beside the effect of families on the children's development, the influence of friends, TV, game, etc, however, is also powerful because they affect the behavior and health of the child. For instance, if a child plays a game or watch a movie which contains violent and bad language, they can easily develop a violent characteristic, moreover, their health can be harmed if they play, or watch too much. What is more, not until children reached the school age did the matter of friends be the powerful influence factor on children. If they play with good friends, they will become good. If not, they will be bad.

To sum up, the effect of families and other factors on children's development are equal according to my opinion. The children are always contact to the factors of game, friends, TV, etc. they will be harmed unless they know the right things and know how to control the behavior toward this. It is the parent's duty to teach their children about what is right, and what is wrong.

(319 words )

i looking forward to hearing the feedback from you !!! :3 ... once again, thanks alot :3
MisterWandering 18 / 321 130  
Jun 27, 2013   #2
the factor which has the greatest influence

which factor has the greatest influence

Some people believed


, etc

and so on/so forth

take shapes

A child in one or two years old is taught speaking and using the basic things

A child as young as one or two years old is taught how to speak and use the basic things.

For instance, if a child plays a game or watch a movie which contains violent and bad language, they can easily develop a violent characteristic.Moreover, their health can be harmed if they play, or watch too much
OP leotimothy 1 / 2  
Jun 27, 2013   #3
thanks, and how about the organization?... is it ok ?
jkjeremy - / 380 72  
Jun 27, 2013   #4
To be blunt, no, it's not "okay."

You need to analyze the benefits and drawbacks of BOTH families and "other factors."

You hint at them but you don't go nearly far enough.

Also, your introduction does little but rephrase the question. The reader already knows the question.

I honestly hope this helps.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jun 28, 2013   #5
Many people have been staggered by the question about the factor which has the greatest influence on a child's development. Some people believedbelieve that families are the answers, but a number of people think that other factors such as friends, TV, etc have the most influence on a child's development. This essay will describe the writer's viewpoint and opinion on both opinions.

State your position - do you think family matters the most ? Or otherwise?

It cannot be denied the role of families, especially parents on children's development as parents take shape the child's personalities and growth.

...."parents" getting repeated. You can express this idea more direct and in a more simple and concievable manner:
The parents play a very important role in their children's development. They are the people who are instrumental in shaping the child's personality. ...now give a more specific example to back this argument. For example;

For example, it is the parents who influence children's value system. This is why parents go to the extent of punishing children for being dishonest. Doing so they hope to prepare their children to be honest citizens in society.

Keep practising! You will keep improving with each practise session!
OP leotimothy 1 / 2  
Jun 28, 2013   #6
Many people have been staggered by the question about the factor which has the greatest influence on a child's development. Some people believed believe that families are the answers, but a number of people think that other factors such as friends, TV, etc have the most influence on a child's development. This essay will describe the writer's viewpoint and opinion on both opinions.
State your position - do you think family matters the most ? Or otherwise?

To sum up, the effect of families and other factors on children's development are equal according to my opinion.

i put it on the conclusion part. at first, i want to make a whole paragraph about my opinion, but i have exceeded the time, so i put it on the conclusion :v

and the second part, it really helps. i always stuck in the way i use the word

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