The bar chart below shows shares of expenditures for five major categories in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Japan in the year 2009.
A breakdown of the information about people shares of money spent for five different necessities in four different countries is represented in the bar chart. It is measured in the percentage in 2009. Overall, people opted to spend more money for housing while health care and clothing were the least categories.
To start with, apart from Japan, housing was the most important needs for all countries. It was proved that United States occupied the first rank at above a quarter while the other stayed at above one-fifth. Moreover, Japan had the largest ratio in food at roughly 23%. Although the figure of food in Canada and United States were at below 15%, they had higher proportion in transportation at approximately 18% and one-fifth in a row.
Concerning to the rest parts, the percentage of health care; and clothing were only below one in ten for all countries. United States had larger proportion in health care at roughly 7% that three times as many as United Kingdom as the tiniest figure at around 2%. However, United Kingdom and Canada led in clothing proportion at close to 6% than United States and Japan at approximately 4%. (194)
A breakdown of the information about people shares of money spent for five different necessities in four different countries is represented in the bar chart. It is measured in the percentage in 2009. Overall, people opted to spend more money for housing while health care and clothing were the least categories.
To start with, apart from Japan, housing was the most important needs for all countries. It was proved that United States occupied the first rank at above a quarter while the other stayed at above one-fifth. Moreover, Japan had the largest ratio in food at roughly 23%. Although the figure of food in Canada and United States were at below 15%, they had higher proportion in transportation at approximately 18% and one-fifth in a row.
Concerning to the rest parts, the percentage of health care; and clothing were only below one in ten for all countries. United States had larger proportion in health care at roughly 7% that three times as many as United Kingdom as the tiniest figure at around 2%. However, United Kingdom and Canada led in clothing proportion at close to 6% than United States and Japan at approximately 4%. (194)