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The international community should reduce or eliminate the debt of the world's poorest countries

chinkybehl22 10 / 24  
Nov 19, 2017   #1
TOPIC:- The international community should reduce or eliminate the debt of the world's poorest countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

financial aid in terms of debt

Nowadays, it has been observed that the developed countries provide financial aid in terms of debt, to the under-developed nations. There is a proposal to either completely waive-off or lower down the debt given to these countries. I partially agree with the proposal.

On one hand, completely writing-off or reducing the debt of the poorest countries will help in the growth and development of these countries. By taking financial aid from the developed nations, the underdeveloped countries are trapped in a vicious circle. They utilize this amount to improve the infrastructure of the country and in providing an efficient and advanced healthcare facility to its citizens. However, in order to pay back the loan amount along with huge interests, they end up utilizing their nations reserve. Henceforth, by waiving off the loan amount, they would concentrate on implementing measures on improving the economic conditions and the standard of living of the population instead of diverting their focus on exploring options of paying back the amount.

On the other hand, lowering or nullifying the debt amount of the underdeveloped nations would create a negative impact on the developed countries. As per the international treaties, legal and ethical rules and regulations have been laid down to provide financial aid to these countries. Exempting the poor countries from financial liabilities will be considered, a biased approach. This would create negativity and may disturb the peace and harmony of the nations across the world.

In my opinion, it is a good option to lower down the debt amount of the underdeveloped nations to boost their economy. However, the amount should not be completely waived-off. As these nations could take undue advantages in the future, by making it a practice. They could completely get dependant on these financial aids for the development of the nation.

To conclude, reducing or eliminating the loan amount of the poor countries can contribute to the overall growth of these nations. However, this could lead to unrest in different parts of the world. Henceforth, the proposal should be planned wisely before executing it.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15259  
Nov 19, 2017   #2
Chinky, based upon the work that you have done in this practice essay, I do not doubt that you will score somewhere between a 6 and 7 had this been an actual test scenario. I am highly impressed by the way that you create your opening statements. It shows a clear understanding of the topic provided and an even more impressive command of synonym usage in your statement. This is the portion of the test that actually boosted your score. Overall, you have shown that you are capable of using the English language in an advanced manner. While your grammar is not perfect in structure and usage in all instances, these do not create any confusion for the reader and you still deliver understandable paragraphs. You should be proud of the work that you did. This shows your potential to pass the test at a possible 9 band score. You must now focus on improving your grammar skills and sentence presentation. Practice using fill in the blank exercises that can be found online or through English grammar exercise apps. Once you manage to improve your grammar presentation, your scores in other aspects will also be sure to improve.
OP chinkybehl22 10 / 24  
Nov 19, 2017   #3
Thanks ! Holt.

Will surely work on it based on the suggestions given.
summerlin 5 / 10  
Nov 19, 2017   #4
Hi Chinky
Your writing is brilliant! I saw you managed to write on spot with wide range lexical resource.
Could you share how you prepare your writing, please? Like what practice did you take or how you learn these formal words? What is your routine to improve your English? Anything.

I'm asking this because it seems like you are a self-learner like me. I've been studying English from youtube, mostly. And I do not turn to cram school because they only teach you how to score higher but not practical in our daily life.

I would be very grateful if you could share your methods!
OP chinkybehl22 10 / 24  
Nov 20, 2017   #5
Thanks! summerlin

I am also referring to Youtube English learning channel which helps me to work on my vocabulary.

After reading the topic, I try to think of all the possible answers and try to pick one point at a time. And for each paragraph I follow the following pattern:

Main Point
Supporting Explanation

Hope this helps!!!!

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