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IELTS - International tourism leads to both - tension and understanding

yirunli 7 / 17  
May 19, 2014   #1
Hi guys,

Could u please review my essay for IELTS?

Topic - International tourism has become the biggest industry in the world. Some people think it causes tension between people from different culture. Others think it leads to understanding between countries. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

I agree with both opinions that international tourism not only causes tension but also leads to understanding between people from different culture, because most people will be trying to understand each other after they have conflict or debates.

There is no doubt that some behaviors of the tourists are not welcome in the local area. Firstly, some people leave the rubbish after visiting the attractions. Therefore, those local residents have to clean the place frequently so that the new batch of tourists will have a tidy and neat environment. Moreover, tourists may offend the local people due to their different culture background. For example, Indians don't eat beef since they worship cows. Thus, if tourists want to respect the tradition, they will not order any beef in the local restaurant.

On the other hand, in order to avoid the conflicts between foreigners and locals, people are trying to understand different culture and find solutions. For instance, tourists are given the brochures about the local traditions and customs before they visit the place. Furthermore, the tour guide are willing to help tourists to understand the culture from other countries. Thus, the possibility of the conflicts is reduced because the understanding between both parties.

Obviously, people are looking for the solution such as understanding each other while they encounter the conflicts caused by international tourism. Hence, I think international tourism leads to both tension and understanding between people from different culture.
niesaysi 16 / 290 85  
May 19, 2014   #2
Therefore, those local residents have to clean the place frequently so that the new batch of tourists will have a tidy and neat environment.

Moreover, tourists may offend the local people due to their different culturecultural background.

For example, Indians don't(avoid contraction)do not eat beef since they worship cows.

Furthermore, the tour guides are willing to help tourists to understand the culture from other countries.

Thus, the possibility of the conflicts is reduced because the understanding between both parties.
OP yirunli 7 / 17  
May 19, 2014   #3
Thank u for the help
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
May 19, 2014   #4
For example, IndiansHindus in India don't eat beef since they worship cows. Thus, if tourists want to respect the tradition, they will not order anyavoid eating beef in thelocal restaurant.while they tour in India, especially in the areas of Hindu majority.

On the other hand, in order to avoid the conflicts between foreigners and locals, people are tryingshould attemp t to understand and appreciate different cultures and find solutions.traditions.
thiagocardoso - / 4  
May 19, 2014   #5
That's pretty interesting and oh I love the work of a tourist guide too.

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