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GRE Issue- Effective leader & Highest ethical and moral standards of public official

nh1 1 / -  
Feb 15, 2013   #1
Constructive criticism and any feedback is highly encouraged! THANK YOU!

To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Although having high standards of ethics and morality are an honorable trait for a public official, it is not conducive to being an effective leader. Many leaders who have been elected into public office have had their reputations marred by questionable scandals, but these actions did not deter them from effectively leading.

To understand the statement, it is important to clarify what constitutes morality and ethics. According to the philosopher Kant, morality lies in the intention of an action. Conversely, for Mill, morality lies in the outcome of one's action.

Now, to analyze effectiveness within the context of morality, let's discuss the 42nd president of the United States. Bill Clinton's presidency symbolizes how a leader's private actions can mar their personal reputation, but not their ability to lead. During his presidency, our country has soared to an epoch of economic expansion, largely due to his North American Free Trade Agreement. Signed under his provision, this agreement lifted tariffs for trading between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. Furthermore, he implemented the highly controversial "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", an immediate step to fully integrate gay military personnel. According to Kant, his sexual misconduct can be morally questioned due to his intentions to have sexual relations outside of his marriage. But, his effectiveness as a leader was clearly not compromised.

To further elaborate, in the business realm, an effective leader is characterized by being able to bring maximum profits to the company. When monetary gain is the absolute goal- effectiveness is based on curbing costs. For example, Apple has faced a slew of bad press following the alleged suicides and unsafe working conditions at FoxConn Technology. FoxConn, located in China, is responsible for the millions of iGadgets that are manufactures and used in our daily lives. In the perspective of Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, this method is a means necessary to effectively maximize profit and minimize cost. According to Mill's basis of morality, Cook's actions are "good" insofar as it produces the greatest outcome.

In contrast, for many public officials, demonstrating the highest moral and ethical standards certainly bolsters them to erect an effective leadership. If people do not desire a morally sound leader, why does a presidential hopefuls kiss babies and shake hands with the disenfranchised of our society in front of cameras? However, the effectiveness of leadership is not be built upon a judicious image alone.

To conclude, the statement attempts to abridge high standards of morality to that of an effective leader. The assumption that a morally deplete leader cannot effectively lead is weakened when morality, in context, is based on arbitrary factors. Clearly, demonstrating a paragon of morality is beneficial, but it is not the essential factor to a leader that is effective.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Feb 17, 2013   #2
Although having high standards of ethics and morality arean honorable trait for a public official, it is not conducive tofor being an effective leader.

but these actions did not deter them fromeffectively leading others effectively .

According to the philosopher Kant, morality lies in the intention of an action. Conversely, for Mill, morality lies in the outcome of one's action.

.... this is impressive :)

Bill Clinton's presidency symbolizes how a leader's private actions can martheirhis personal reputation, but not their ability to lead.

.... better keep it singular.


Clearly, demonstrating a paragon of morality is beneficial, but it is not the essential factor to a leader that is effective.

.... awesome ending :)
Well written essay. I like your writing style, structure, arguments and facts and examples... I enjoyed reading it and feel you are quite ready for the task. Wish you good luck with GRE :)

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