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In today's job market it is far more important to have practical skills than theoretical knowledge.

near9 2 / 2 1  
Jul 27, 2017   #1
In today's job market it is far more important to have practical skills than theoretical knowledge. In the future, job applicants may not need any formal qualifications.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

theoretical understanding not necessary?

Recently, the qualifications for the job market have been different from the past. Employers require various skills from the job applicants. It has been argued that practical skills are more important than academic knowledge in the workplace. However, in my opinion, academic knowledge will never be unnecessary.

Firstly, there is some sort of jobs that do not require a high level of knowledge such as laundering and car washing. Employers of these industries often employ workers with good practical skills and work experience. Nevertheless, a minimum level of education and theoretical knowledge must be satisfied. For example, mathematical calculation skills are extremely valuable for workers in such jobs so they can manage the financial budget. Furthermore, employers prefer educated workers than illiterate in managerial positions. This result in a good administration for the workplace.

I have written the introduction and body1 paragraph. Please, I want your evaluation so that I can complete body2 and the conclusion.
songax - / 1 1  
Jul 27, 2017   #2
Here are my suggestions, hope it hepls. I didnot found anything major...

Firstly, there are some jobs which do not require a high level of knowledge such as laundering or car washing. Employers of these industries often hire workers with good practical skills and work experience.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4835  
Jul 28, 2017   #3
@near9 You have just wasted your only chance to get a full review of your writing abilities by not posting the full essay. If you post the same essay in this thread with the additional bodies, the admin will automatically delete it as a double posting. We have a one advice per thread, per essay ruling here and duplicate postings are deleted. I am so sad that you made that mistake. Anyway...

In the opening statement, you must clearly state the keywords as supplied in the original prompt. That means you must say "I disagree with this statement to a certain extent due to several personal beliefs. These beliefs will be discussed in support of my stance in the following paragraphs.

As you know, only the paraphrasing is allowed in the opening statement. You actual statement of support must only be within the parameters set forth by the original prompt. Hence the indication that you "disagree to a certain extent" as indicated in the prompt requirements.

Your first paragraph lacks cohesion because you are discussing unrelated topics through the paragraph. When you discuss labor jobs at the start, the succeeding justification for the theoretical knowledge must be in reference to the same jobs. So, people who wash clothes need to have theoretical knowledge on how to compute for soap usage per wash load and other similar information with the previous jobs mentioned.
OP near9 2 / 2 1  
Jul 28, 2017   #4
That is very helpful. Thank you so much for helping me.

This is my first attempt and I did know the site's regulations. Thank you for pointing out that for me. You must be a native english speaker. Your langauge is very good. It seems that you did not put much effort while you are writing. I hope I can reach that level of profeciency. Participating in this forum will greatly boost my writing skills. The biggest mistake that I made earlier is that I was afraid to make mistakes in my writing. But I figured out that the best way to learn any new skill is to practise and make mistakes. That will enhance your ability and confidance.

I remember that when I was at high school. I was weak at Math. Then I decided to confront my fears and learn mathematics. I started to slove 10 problems every day. Nowaday, I am an IMO student and I won several prizes in the field of mathematics.

Good luck to all of you, I really want to thank you again Mr. @songax and Mr. @Holt. You deserve all the best in your life. ❤

And I am happy to be a part of this vibrant community.

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