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How to learn vocabulary: 'writing the words, association, learning by reading'

le bao 1 / 2  
Nov 12, 2012   #1
Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read and you see many new words. You cannot possibly learn all these new words, so your first problem is to decide which ones to concentrate on. I focused on three ways to learn vocabulary : wriring the words in a notebook, making association, learning vocabulary by reading.

Writing the words in a small notebook. you should divide the new words into these groups that are arranged by each topic. It is necessary to revise the words that you cannot remember meaning of the words. A small notebook, so you can bring it follow you wherever you go.

Making association in pictures or with other words. Looking at pictures you will able to guess the words immediately and you never forget it. Otherwise, you learn the new words by connecting these words with their synonyms and antonyms, so you can learn many words.

The other way of learning vocabulary is reading. The context of a new word in a sentence or story is often enough for you to guess the meaning. Choose books that you find quite easy to read and read sentences, paragraphs, stories,... time and again help you learn the new word and to use in your own speaking and writing. However, in order to learn new words from reading you have to read a lot.

There are many ways to learn vocabulary. However, these are the most popular three ways: writing the words in a notebook, making association and learning vocabulary by reading. The above ways will help you to improve your own English vocabulary. To achieve sucess you should select the best way for yourself.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Nov 17, 2012   #2
Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read and you see many new words.

You can insert the following sentence in between:

Perhaps it is the most difficult part when learning a language due of its vastness.(In grammar, you only have few rules to concentrate, but vocabulary is something that you may not be able to learn completely in your life time. Also you need to know what is the most appropriate word in various situations)

The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read and you see many new wordsexpress your ideas more clearly to the other person .

-------------- It's not just about you comprehending what you hear and read, but also you need to deliver clearly to others.

making association

---- better explain a little bit more about what you mean. It sounds too vague
OP le bao 1 / 2  
Nov 18, 2012   #3

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