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Learning Foreign Language. Better Soon or Later?

Stacy Handayani 29 / 16 19  
Apr 17, 2015   #1
All children should study a foreign language in school, starting in the earliest grades.

to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Learning foreign language is a common trend in this globalized world. As such, some people argue that children should be taught about different languages at early age as to develop their brain and to create a habit of using foreign language. However, some people argue that this may cause the children's shock in learning other languages. Nevertheless, I would argue that this learning language activity should be given for children in their schools at earliest grades to help them to be accustomed to speak and to understand international language.

School are the best place for children to study as at home they just spend their time for playing. Because of this, foreign language like English should be given by school so as to develop children's brain. The children children have more brain power so they can learn subject quickly by immitating. This kind of learning can stimulate children's brain and then make it more develop than before as the brain are stimulated over and over again. In addition, learning foreign language at early age can help children to master their languages as they already study it since they were young and they made it as a habit. For this reason, learning foreign language in earliest grades is necessary.

On the other hand, some people believe that this trend causes shock to children since they found difference between their mother tounge. Take English for example, children may confuse to say word 'sun' as the pronounciation is different from it's spelling. As a result, it can cause the rejection and fear of making a mistake in learning english. Therefore, international language subject should be given only when the children are ready.

However, I would argue that student should study foreign language in the earliest grades of school so they can accustomed to other language and feel easy to follow the lesson. Afterwards, when student have big interest in studying foreign language, as soon as possible they will realize that learning international language benefit them since they live in globalized world.

To conclude, I would argue that studying international language is better for children in the early age as it can help them to master and to understand this language. Therefore it is imperative fo school to provide foreign language lessons in the earliest grades.
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
Apr 17, 2015   #2
- Learning foreign language is a common trend in this (globalized - DELETE) world. As such, some people (argue - DELETE AND USE A MUCH POSITIVE WORD, CONSIDER,"believe")

- should be given for (TO) children in their school(s - DELETE) at earliest grades to help them to be accustomed to speak and to understand international language.

- The children children have more brain power so they can learn subject quickly by immitating.(imitating)
- On the other hand, some people believe that this trend causes shock to children since they found difference between their mother tounge.(TONGUE)
- Take English for example, children may confuse to say word 'sun' as the pronounciation(PRONUNCIATION) is different from it's spelling.

- they live in (A) globalized world.

- Therefore it is imperative fo(TO) school to provide foreign language lessons in the earliest grades.

Hi Stacy, I would suggest turning the spell check on your computer before writing an article or essay so you have a guide on spelling, also mind your grammar and as always PROOF READ your work before submitting it, and yes, before I go, avoid using such negative connotation of ideas, e.g.,argue, the word can be replaced with much better word like, "I believe", this one helps send your message and the positivity of your article.

farhan110991 11 / 17 8  
Apr 17, 2015   #3
Schools are the best place for children to study as at home they just spend their time for playing.

are you sure about this italic statement?.. you should explain how it can be happened.

However, I would argue that student should study foreign language in the earliest grades of school so they can accustomedaccustomed to other language and feel easy to follow the lesson

Therefore it is imperative fo (??????) school to provide foreign language lessons in the earliest grades.
farhan110991 11 / 17 8  
Apr 17, 2015   #4
However, I would argue that student should study foreign language in the earliest grades of school so they can accustomedaccustomedaccustom to other language and feel easy to follow the lesson

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