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Limiting the Use of Dispable Plastic Bags

lenzo537 2 / 2  
Apr 5, 2009   #1
Limiting The Use of Disposable Plastic Bags

As our nation's widely use of disposable plastic bags cause a large number of environmental problems, and people's conscious of environmental protection has improved. China established its limiting of the use of disposable plastic bags.

Disposable bags had been offered sped in shopping mall, super market and other places alike for many years. While people don't have un pay for the plastic bags, they disuse them, throwing them away here and there, and cause lots of cleaning problems. With the huge plastic market, factorys produce more and more plastic bags, thus cause a few fatally pollutions.

So limiting the use of disposable plastic bags is meaningful. Therefor, people would pay more attention to environment protection, and we can make our living places more comfortable and cleaner, and also we can reduce the pollute to our planet.

Thank you for you reading
Chidem 4 / 18  
Apr 6, 2009   #2
I am also a student like you who tries to improve her essays and my opinion about yours is; your sentences are like they are far to each other. That is to say, feels like they don't connect, especially in the beginning.

Of course, that's only how it appeared to me.

Rosamond 3 / 26  
Apr 6, 2009   #3
As our nation's widely use of disposable plastic bags cause a large number of environmental problems, and people's conscious of environmental protection has improved, China established itsis limiting of the use of disposable plastic bags.

Disposable bags hadhave been offered sped (??) in shopping malls, super markets and other places alike for many years. While people don't have to pay for the plastic bags, they disusemisuse them, throwing them away (perhaps tossing\strewing would work better)here and there, andwhich causes lots of cleaning problems. With the huge plastic market, factorys (factories)are producingmore and more plastic bags, thus causinga fewfatalpollutions.

So, limiting the use of disposable plastic bags is meaningful important; since (as) people would pay more attention to environment protection, thereby making our living places cleaner and more comfortable,and reducing the pollute pollution to our planet.

That is the best I could offer.

Have a nice day free from plastic bags!
EF_Sean 6 / 3489  
Apr 6, 2009   #4
As our nation's wide use of disposable plastic bags causes a large number of environmental problems, and as people's conscious of environmental protection has improved, China has established new law s limiting of the use of disposable plastic bags.

Disposable bags have been offered sped in shopping malls , super markets and other such places alike for many years. Because people don't have to pay for the plastic bags, they discard them thoughtlessly,throwing them away here and there, andcausing lots of cleaning problems. With the huge plastic market, factories produce more and more plastic bags, thus cause a few fatally pollutions. [This last part makes no sense. I think you need to explain in more detail what you are trying to say]

So limiting the use of disposable plastic bags is meaningful. Therefore, people would pay more attention to environmental protection, and we can make our living places more comfortable and cleaner, and we can also limit the pollution of our planet.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Apr 6, 2009   #5
Chidem and HD, thanks for those great insights. It helps in more ways than you know; it helps me to get a deeper understanding of just how multifaceted collaboration at EssayForum can be.

Chidem, your explanation of sentences seeming "disconnected" gave me a new insight into writing. In the Daoist practice of Tai Chi Chuan, your whole body is supposed to be "threaded together," and I guess the same rule applies in writing. In these forums, I think of helping people make their essays "integrated" by making sure the paragraphs center on the topic sentences, etc. but I have never thought of how sentences should be threaded together. So... thanks!!

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