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Line chart - IELTS task 1 - the rate of recycled plastics, glass, paper and aluminium

teephan226 1 / -  
Apr 25, 2017   #1
The line chart illustrates the recycling rate of four different materials from starting point in 1982 to 2010 in a nation.

Overall, it is clear that there were upward trends in the proportion of four materials in the period surveys.

In 1982, the percentage of glass containers reused started at 50%, while the figure for paper and cardboard recycled was 65%. In 1990, after fluctuating, the rate of paper and cardboard still stood at 65%, by contrast, the proportion of reused glass containers steadily fell to 40%. in the period from 1990 to 2010, after reaching a peak at 80% in 1994, the rate of recycled paper and cardboard gradually dropped to 70% in 2010, whereas the number for glass containers significantly increased to 50% after a decade.

In 1986, this was starting point period that aluminium cans which were recycle in that county, the percentage of this reused material was below 10% and this figure rocketed to more than 40% in 24 years. In 1990, the rate of recycled plastics was 3% and after tow decades, this number slowly climbed to approximately 10% in 2010.

Thank you and help me to review my report, please give me score!!!

Anhy chan 12 / 23 1  
Apr 26, 2017   #2
Hi @teephan226 there are several suggestion for you to make your essay more powerfull:
1. It is good that in overview you have mention the general trend of each feature, but to boost your score highly, you may mention the most remarkable feature as addition information. This is important that you have to depict the differences, but still in general state.

2. Pay attention on your word choosen, to state the start point, you may use "stood at"
-------> In 1982, the percentage of glass containers reused started at stood at 50%,

3. Learn more about linking verb using, so your essay will more cohesive and coherence. Moreover, I observe that almost in your first sentence you mention "In (Year)", it is not false, but it better to using sentence variation in order to boost your gramatical range and accuracy score.

4. There several misspeling you did, such as : Cans (can), figure (figure), tow (two)

I believe that you can do your best in your next writing!

Home / Writing Feedback / Line chart - IELTS task 1 - the rate of recycled plastics, glass, paper and aluminium
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