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The line graph reveals information about educator recruitment, located in Ontario over 7-year period

mita23 34 / 37 3  
Feb 23, 2016   #1
The given line graph reveals information about educator recruitment, located in Ontario over seven-year period, started from 2001 to 2007. Overall, it can be obviously be seen that the percentage of French teachers experience upward trend while that of English teachers witnesses downward tendency.

Looking at the detail, in the first period English-language educators overtook the higher number rather than French tutor, standing at more than seven in ten before it declined dramatically as long as two years to 40%. This trend was different from the point of French teachers which decreased steeply only in 2002 and hit a low of approximately a half, yet the next period saw a sudden rise to almost 70%. Despite of some fluctuation, the needs of French teacher finally reached a peak at virtually 72% in the end period (2007). Equally important, the demand of English tutor continually fell between 2005 and 2007 to the point of less than a third.

justivy03 - / 2366 607  
Feb 23, 2016   #2
- information abouton educator recruitment,
- located in Ontario over a seven-year period,
- startedstarting from 2001 to 2007.
- Overall, it can beis obviously be

HI Mita, as you can see above, I made just a few remarks on your essay.
You have written your essay quiet well, this is very evident in the words that
you choose in analyzing the graph. I like the fact that you didn't stick to the normal
or usual words that are used in essays especially in interpreting the graph.

Moreover, you made sure that the graph is analyzed in brief and concise manner.
This way, the readers are able to comprehend properly and follow through your

I hope my insights help Mita and do let us know when you need further assistance.
Linda91 30 / 40 3  
Feb 26, 2016   #3
Overall, it can be obviously be seen that the percentage of French teachers experience an upward trend while that of English teachers witnesses downward tendency.........
anita11 28 / 20 2  
Feb 26, 2016   #4
The given line graph reveals information abouton educator recruitment, located in Ontario over a seven-year period...

hello mita, you did well in your writing. :)

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