visitors in the Edinburgh city
The line graph provide infromation about the percentage of tourists to Scotland who visited Edingurgh attrations.In generall, there were many differences about the years and the travel destinations. Contrary to Castle increased sharphy, there was a slight growth in Festival.
In 1980, the percentage of tourists who visited Castle was nearly 25% and significantly higher than zoo at 15%. About 15 years later, the percentage of Castle went up rapidly and reaches a peak at nearly 45%. In 2010, the rate of tourists dropped to just over 30%. During the first 20 years, there was a moderate fluctuation in the percentage of tourists to the zoo. However, in ten years later, the figure for the zoo then increased rapidly to 20%.
We can see that Festival was the most attractive place in Scotland in 1980 with 30% of tourists choosing. Despite having a good begining, Festival stayed unchanged during the last years and ending at roughtly 25% at the end of the period. Aquarium increased sharply from 1980 to 1985 to reach the highest point at over 35% in 1985. Since then, the percentage of Aquarium slumped dramatically to just under 10% in 2010
This is the line graph