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Some literature state that the most factor of air pollution influenced by fuels.

badafebriani17 34 / 41  
Nov 5, 2016   #1
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. to what extend do you agree or disagree?
what other measures do you think might be effective?

Solving air pollution can be done by many ways. Some literatures state that the most factor of air pollution influenced by fuels. People argue that the government has to make an policy which the price of fuels would be increase. I personally agree that citizent must purchase petrol more than the normal cost. But, there is an alternative problem solving such as decline the number of cars.

Air pollution is the main problems that happened in many countries. It caused by road traffict in the city. Recetnly there are issue that the price of fuels would be increase. I believe it is the best way to solve the effect of greenhouses gases. For example, the UK goverment made policy which raises the price of petrol by 100%. This obligation aim to force the citizent to reduce of car fuels usage. An affordable cost of petrol make people like to drive and avoid to use buses. If the government increase the price of pertol, they will more prefer to use public transport rather than private transport. So, i think a good action that the cost of fuels must be raised.

Besides, there are other ways to solve air pollution such as reduce the number of cars. The car is the main resources that resulted greenhous gases. In this case, we can know how important of reducing the number of cars. Traffict jam produced amouth of harmful gases that can cause global warming, so reducing traffic jam is necessary to solving this problem. For example, the road traffict in London caused increasing the NO2 levels. The London government made policy to limit the local to use one car every household and apply car free day in the weekend. So, if the number of traffict reduced, the air pollution will be increased either.

In conclusion, there are many sollutions to solve the air pollution. I think the best sollution is by rising the cost of fuels. But, reducing the number of cars is more important to solve the air pollution.

LanreShaper - / 4  
Nov 5, 2016   #2
You have a very nice topic to write about and it's so full of points if you can develop it well.

Kindly rewrite your opening paragraph giving an overview into pollution.
mardian24 46 / 60  
Nov 6, 2016   #3
Hi bada, I want to give some comments

1. There many errors in spelling, you need to be careful about it. You can use your time in the end of writing to correct you answer. You can try to write quickly than before.

literatures ----> literature
citizent ----> citizen
traffict ----> traffic
Recetnly ---- > Recently
pertol ----> petrol
goverment ----> government

2. Some literatures state that the most factor of air pollution is influenced by fuels
You can use verb auxiliary before verb ordinary before make it as passive form

Thank you
Keep writing
ifraanisa05 44 / 67  
Nov 6, 2016   #4
Hi bada, here are my thoughts

you have many misspelling, be careful of it

Some literatures literature state that...
literature is an uncountable noun. adding 's' is not necessary

... government has to make ana policy which (...) would be increase.
article 'an' is followed by noun which has vocal words

I personally agree that citizentcitizens must purchase ...

It caused by road trafficttraffic in the city.

RecetnlyRecently there areis an issue that (...) would be increase increased
you need a passive form

The UK govermentgovernment made policy which ...

This obligation aimaims to force the citizentcitizens to reduce of car fuels usage.

An affordable cost of petrol makemakes people like to ...

... increase the price of pertolpetrol,
nurainiyusuf16 47 / 73  
Nov 6, 2016   #5
Hello Bada!
Allow me to give you some suggestion.

Solving air pollution can be done by many ways. Some literatures state that the most factor of air ...

There is uncoherence between the first and the second sentence.
Then, in sentence "... most factor of air pollution influenced by fuels" may you mean the amount of fuels not the fuels exactly.

Look at example below:
Solving air pollution can be done by many ways. Increasing of fuels cost might be the one. People argue that the government has to make an policy which the price of fuels would be increase. Since some literatures state that the most factor of air pollution influenced by the amount of fuels. Improving of fuels price have possibility to make people thinking twice to buy it.

You delivered good idea in your body paragraphs, only concern to the sentence structure and tenses.

Hope it helps you :)

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