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Logging effects: habittat loss, environment pollution, and climate change

Qaranew 1 / -  
Sep 15, 2016   #1
Summarys Task 1 (Environmental impacts of logging)

Impacts logging industry make the effect untold harm to the environment includes habittat loss.pollution to the environment includes habittat loss.pollution and climate change.make extend effect logging of Nutrients,Water,Shelter for plants animals and also ecosystem microorganisms.

In terrestrial life from, an trees in the rainforest relies on a dense Canopi, The Canopi prevents surface runoff by intercepting heavy rainfall also stabilize the soil and help prevent erosion of dammage logging aquatic habitats the trees provide a natural. Rebuttal contary to air pollution and makes healty.Forest ecosystem eventually we can make the forest,particulary rainforests.

Fitri12 28 / 50  
Sep 15, 2016   #2
Hi Qaranew! It is my pleasure to share with you, so please kindly visit my Thread as well and give comments.
The followings are my opinions about your writing:

- Impacts logging industry make the effect untold ...(I can guess the meaning,but the structure of this sentence is confusing, is it logging industry or illegal logging? For example: Illegal logging has been affecting the environment)

- I'm sorry to say, but the flow of your writing and its sense of meaning will turn the reader into confusion.
deanarin 2 / 3  
Sep 15, 2016   #3
Hi Qaranew! it is my dignity to share with you, so please apparently my sheet as well and give comments.
The followings are my opinions about your writing:

- SummarysSummaries Task 1 (Environmental impacts of logging)
- Impacts logging industryThe impacts of logging industry
andika08 81 / 73  
Sep 15, 2016   #4
You have a good summary
I have some corrections

pollution Pollution and climate change.make Make extend effect logging of Nutrients,Water,and Shelter for plants ...
In terrestrial life from, an trees in the rainforest ...

In the sentence one it is too long and need conjuction between there.
Maybe you can put the introduction and conclusion.
Hujjatul19 45 / 64  
Sep 16, 2016   #5
Hi Qaranew, It's a nice writing. Nevertheless, this is some things that should be corrected in order to improve your writing.

Impacts logging industry make[cause] the effect (...) includes[including] habitat loss.
... extend effect logging of Nutrients[,]Water. and also ecosystem microorganisms
In terrestrial life from, an[the] trees in the rainforest relies[rely] on a dense Canopi.

Wish it useful for you. Best regard
Alamsyah Ismail 24 / 38  
Sep 16, 2016   #6
Hello Qaranew
I have some advice to you, you may to antention

Impacts (of) logging industryto combinating between noun and gerund, you should to using preposition make the effect untold harm to the environment includes habittat loss.

Pollution to(of, in or at) the environment includes habittat loss.

... extend effect logging of Nutrients,Water. and also ecosystem microorganisms

In terrestrial life from, an (you should to using article "a" because the "trees" is consonant) trees in the rainforest relies on a dense Canopi (Canopy).

The Canopi (canopy) prevents surface run off by (...) the trees provide a natural (word classes of natural is adjective, so dont need to using article).
rosadesiana 38 / 38  
Sep 16, 2016   #7
hi Miss Qara

==>Impacts of logging industry makecause the effect untold harmharm untold effect to the environment includes habittat loss

==> one example of the bad effect is pollution to the environment includeswhich causes habittat loss

==>In terrestrial life fromform , an a trees in the rainforest relies on a dense Canopi...

==> ... by intercepting heavy rainfall also, stabilize the soil andstabilizing , help prevent preventing erosion of dammage logging ...

keep writing !

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