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MAJOR CONCERNS on T.S. Eliot's context revealed in The Love Song of J Alfred

ougoah 2 / 1  
Sep 12, 2006   #1
Question: How are some of the major concerns of T.S. Eliot's context revealed in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Preludes?

Modernist literature of the early twentieth century represents an abrupt break from literary traditions of the past, culminating in the formation of new, often abstract ideas about form and identity, while challenging older mainstream views of the world. In "Preludes" and "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," T. S. Eliot reveals some of the major concerns of his context linked to happenings on the cultural and industrial fronts: urban decay, social entrapment and the fragmentation of Victorian England. He approaches compositional structure and the use of language techniques in ways new to his context and accentuates poetic ambiguity by combining allusive techniques with traditional phonetic devices. Using pathos, catharsis and extensive sensual imagery, Eliot creates emotionally disturbing atmospheres in which his protagonists freely convey the ideas of their innermost contemplation, while expressing his own pessimism of the modern world.

That's all thus far. Thanks for any comments.
EF_Team2 1 / 1708  
Sep 12, 2006   #2

Your writing is vivid and insightful; very impressive!

I have just one small suggestion about the structure of the last sentence in the paragraph, to avoid any confusion about who is doing the "expressing" (the protagonists or Eliot). You might consider rewording it to, for example, "Using pathos, catharsis and extensive sensual imagery, Eliot expresses his own pessimism of the modern world by creating emotionally disturbing atmospheres in which his protagonists freely convey the ideas of their innermost contemplation."

Good work, and please let me know if I can be of further assistance!

Sarah, EssayForum.com
OP ougoah 2 / 1  
Sep 13, 2006   #3
Thanks for your suggestion.

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