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The maps below show Colwick Arts Centre in 2005 and today.

LemonChi 1 / -  
Jun 20, 2024   #1
The two maps below show the change of Colwick Arts Centre in 2005 anad today. We can see that there were many changes during this period, including new buildings and facilities.

In the past, there were two galleries in the right-hand. It was relocated to the left, and in addition, it developed into one building. The concert hall/cinema now divided into two groups. In 2005, there was one meeting room,but it turns into two buildings right now, near the drama studio. The toilet was moved in the right. The old concert hall/cinema now contains the central exhibition area.

Especially, the new outdoor exhibition and performance area with a stage are built from the old waste-land and located in front of the information desk. Moreover, there is a new cafe next to the gallery.

So, it is cleared that the Colwick Arts Centre changed and expanded during this period.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14992 4816  
Jun 22, 2024   #2
Your descriptive report is only 149 words. Though minimal, you will still receive a small deduction for not meeting the minimum word count by 1 word. You should always write 150 words minimum. To create an effective summary presentation for the descriptive essay, you should separate the explanations for each image. Describe the first outline in a stand alone paragraph. Then use a second paragraph for the second illustration. Separate the two to more effectively meet the word requirements. It will also allow you to create a more comprehensive discussion for each section of the image. It is the description that matters in this case. You have up to 200 words for the task 1 essay, try to use at least 175 of that allotment to get a higher scoring consideration.

Home / Writing Feedback / The maps below show Colwick Arts Centre in 2005 and today.
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