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the merits and demerits of taking a gap year and your own opinion

tvanh 1 / -  
Jul 25, 2024   #1
In this contemporary era, such is taking a gap year a contentious issue that there has been increasing numbers of individuals concerned about. Whereas some advocate the view that taking a year off before university yields beneficial impacts on youngsters, others hold the contrary belief. This essay will explore both the merits and demerits of gap year and express my own perspective

On the one hand, advocates of gap year contend that the potential merits students benefit from working or travelling before tertiary education overwhelms its demerits. Initially, taking a year off after highschool graduation offers people an opportunity to explore their own interests and passions. This is because graduates could have a deep insight into a myriad of cultures, types of people, living conditions via a year off.Hence, people are more likely to explore their dreams and get an appropriate occupation .Moreover, hands-on work experience is attributed to gap year which can hardly be provided by universities. blue-collar workers such as mechanics, for example, are required to have certain practical working experience to have well-paid jobs. Hence, only by taking a year off to work before engaging in universities, could individuals gain real-life experience that is of paramount importance in this competitive market

On the other hand, proponents of the off-year period emphasize its drawbacks in nullifying the studying of younger generations. First and foremost, taking a gap year before embarking on tertiary education could cause "Fear of Missing Out" known as FOMO amongst people. As those choosing to work or travel after their graduation would cease a twelve months of academic learning, they are prone to be in the state of worrying others about being more successful,especially if their gap year is not well-structured. Secondly, youngsters may struggle in regaining lapsed study habits due to having a year off from education.This is because Interruption of academic path which stems from the overdependence on gap year could challenge people to return to their learning. For instance, those who turn back to educational path may undergo difficulties with such complex theoretical lectures of mathematics or science.

To conclude, while it is believed that working and travelling before going to universities or colleges foster children' experience and explore their interests, other align with the view that FOMO effects and postponing in education of gap year overwhelm the aforementioned benefits.I am of the opinion that it is vital for the youth to take a year off from learning to discover themselves and gaining practical experience.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15258  
Jul 28, 2024   #2
Well, there is an inaccuracy in your presentation because this topic is not really a contentious issue. It is just a topic for discussion. You have to understand, the examiner will not appreciate any exaggerated retelling of the given topic. You need to keep your paraphrasing academic, avoiding issues and scandalous references. Keep it logical in presentation.

It is also quite possible that this essay will garner a failing score because you do not have a properly developed personal opinion on the topic. You must fully develop your opinion presentation in one of two ways:

1. Offer an opinion for each public opinion
2. Use a stand alone paragraph to fully explain and develop your opinion

Failure to properly establish your personal opinion most often results in a failing score. That is because integrating your personal opinion in the conclusion fails to meet the scoring requirements for the task. Doing that results in an automatic failing score.

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