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MIX CHART: The bar chart show the numbers of men and women attending various evening courses in 2009

Bell Hoang 1 / -  
Feb 17, 2022   #1

The bar chart and the pie chart report

The bar chart illustrates the quantity of males and females who took part in different courses at an educational center while the pie chart provides information about the proportion of these participants according to five different age groups in 2009.

Overall, it is clear that the number of women involved in courses was higher than men, except sculpture courses. It is also noticeable that those aged 50 or over accounted for the highest attendance.

With regard to the bar chart, the highest figure belonged to attendance at language courses by women, with 40 people and half that number was for men. By contrast, just 5 females attended sculpture courses, which was twice as high as the figure for males. The number of women taking part in painting courses ranked second, with exactly 30 individuals, while the figure for men was about 25 people. Similarly, there were just 20 women and 10 men attending drama courses.

According to the pie chart, around 40% of people who are over 50 years old studied at this center, whereas just an eighth of that number was accounted by the under 20 age group. One in four attendances at courses belonged to those aged between 40-49 while the percentages of the 30-39 and 20-29 age groups were almost 15% and 10% respectively.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Feb 17, 2022   #2
an educational center while the pie chart

I can understand that the writer was aiming to create a complex sentence presentation by presenting 2 different images and their respective information in one sentence. That does not create a complex sentence. Rather, it represents a confusing and difficult to track method of providing information. Since these are different images, representing different information, then the images should be presented as individual sentence for clarity and information seperation purposes. It will do the writer well to remember that cohesiveness and coherence scores in the essay are awarded based on the individual thought coverage or information sources of each sentence. 2 images always translates better when done in 2 targeted sentence presentations.

The paragraphs properly developed the presentation requirements for the comparative report. The individualized image discussions per paragraph can be clearly followed and referred to by the reader. It is comprehensive enough in terms of information sharing to create a well developed, analyzed, and concise report presentation.

Home / Writing Feedback / MIX CHART: The bar chart show the numbers of men and women attending various evening courses in 2009
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