Museum Maps analysis
The plans demostrate the changes made to a museum's ground floor from 1990 to 2010. In general, the museum has undergone many transformations with an addition of some new facilities and renovation of the old ones, and there were also relocations of a few sections.
In 1990, there was a Local History Room just on the right of the entrance that was unchanged in 2010, but the entrance was widened in 2010. On the left of the entrance, a museum office was situated with a reception counter right in front of it. However, in 2010, this reception counter was moved just to the right of the office.
Natural History Room's position remained unchanged that was just above the museum office. The Gift shop had been rebuilt and expanded in the year 2010, which also include a Café in it. Although there was no lift in the museum in 1990, one was installed in 2010 just between the Café and the Natural History Room. In addition to that, the Archeology gallary was converted into children's interactive zone and poster display area. In 1990, there was a statue near stairs, which had been moved to the centre of the museum in 2010.
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