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Many museums and history sites are mainly visited by tourists rather than local people

sharfina 35 / 21 5  
Feb 4, 2016   #1
Many museums and history sites are mainly visited by tourists rather than local people why is this? What can we done to encourage people to visit museums and historical sites?

Tourist attractions, such as museums and history sites are dominated by foreigners rather than local people. The main reason this is because they have different perspective and the most viable solution is attracting events appealing local one visting those places.

The main predominant reason foreigners more attracted to visit museums and history sites rather than local inhabitants is a different viewpoint. The main aim of tourists travelling to other countries is to experience something new either cultures or histories from different countries. However, local people tend to less interest learning about it further since they have known quite well about it from their school, so that they prefer spending on travelling in modern place, such as shopping centre. This results in such places not popular among local people. For example, a recent government survey found that 70% of local people choose going to shopping centre rather than museum since they said that they feel bored to review about their outdated history.

Despite this, to tackle this problem the government should hold spectacular festivals and show the unique of ancient aspect at these places. Such events will attract local inhabitans and make them aware about the essential to learn further about history and culture. For example, The BBC news reported in March 2015 that the exciting events held at Ironbridge Museum in the United Kingdom successfully increase local visitor by 55%.

In conclusion, tourists have different point of view to local people, which accounts for the reasons that they are more likely to visit museums and historical places. However, it can be addressed through holding interesting festivals.

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