shopping is the favorite pastime for most of the young people.
why do you think is that?
do you think they should be encouraged to do some other useful activities?
There is one activity that teenager like the most recently, it is purchasing of goods from stores without consider of usage of goods they bought. this phenomenon is caused by psychological factor. this essay will describe youngster should use their time and money to decent things such as joining art class or doing some sports.
According to the survey which is released by university, 8 of 10 juvenile feel happy after they bought something, they said this make their stress relieved. research said that shopping can bring happiness to those doing this activity, but it has continue effect, shoppping lead people get more tension because they feel guilty because what they bought actually is not useful.
Whereas, there are a lot of thing that youngster can do to relieved their Anxiety. for instance, doing sport or joining an art class. with those activities, they not only invest in money, but also invest in skill which they got can useful in the future, moreover they will get income if the want to share their skill.
to sum up, the reason why young people do shopping is to relieve their anxiety about school or work. in fact, the goods that already bought is not actually necessary, on the other hand, teenager should do useful activities such as join art class, or sport.