In the local High schools many teen are following the trends of models, singers,and the people they admire.All of the remaining teens get picked on just because they do not fit in. The teens are under peer pressure, and they sometimes can not afford to be like everyone else.
Most pepole can not afford a pair of very expensive clothing. Teens also talk about hair styles just because they think that their hair looks great. They might make fun of you just because your hair might not be up to their standards. People might ssay something to you, and you might get upset.
Peer preesure has been going on for many years and is still continuing as we get older. Many teens are pressured to smoke, do drugs, and go out without permission. The way that pepole pressure you depends on who you hang out with. Forinstance if you hang out with a group of pepole who steal, and robb places you might get pressured into doing those things. The teens who pressure others are a bad influence and might be getting that person in danger.
Everyone wants to grow up to be like someone who they admire. Reasons that people think that people can not do it is because of peer pressure, and some of the items are mor valuable than others.
Most pepole can not afford a pair of very expensive clothing. Teens also talk about hair styles just because they think that their hair looks great. They might make fun of you just because your hair might not be up to their standards. People might ssay something to you, and you might get upset.
Peer preesure has been going on for many years and is still continuing as we get older. Many teens are pressured to smoke, do drugs, and go out without permission. The way that pepole pressure you depends on who you hang out with. Forinstance if you hang out with a group of pepole who steal, and robb places you might get pressured into doing those things. The teens who pressure others are a bad influence and might be getting that person in danger.
Everyone wants to grow up to be like someone who they admire. Reasons that people think that people can not do it is because of peer pressure, and some of the items are mor valuable than others.