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Some people assume that university education should be free of charge for all students

lekimha1999hy 1 / -  
Aug 4, 2020   #1

University education should be free to everyone, regardless of income.

To what extent do you agree?

Today, some people assume that university education should be free of charge for all students. From my perspective, I do not totally support this idea.

It is irrefutable that students derive great benefits from cutting college fee. First, people from different social classes are able to go to school. It is of great importance for disadvantaged students who live in remote or mountainous areas. Tuition fee would be no longer a burden for them so they can be relieved a gigantic amount of financial pressure. Thus, these students can make their all efforts to study and will not be distract by part-time jobs which used to earned money for tuition fee. Second, thanks to enormous number of college students, the countries may enhance the social understanding and academic levels in the future. The more students graduate, the more high-qualified employees are supplied to labor-market. In the long term, not only will it facilitate national education but it also make the economies flourish.

However, it is not without drawbacks. First, that universities will not collect tuition fees means that residents have to pay higher tax. People who are having a job have an indirectly financial duty regarding supporting domestic education. It will create a considerable pressure on them because not everyone is lucky enough to have well-paid jobs. Take Vietnam as an example, many Vietnamese employees are labor workers who only earn an adequate amount of money to make a living. They may suffer from some detrimental effects should the governments cut the college fee and impose a greater tax on them. Second, some students lacking motivations will take it for granted. They may neglect their studies. Therefore, it is feasible that dropping-out rate will increase.

To sum up, although this proposals have many advantages, they are overshadowed by the disadvantages.
Veronica11 3 / 9  
Aug 5, 2020   #2
Hi! there's a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures in your essay. However, I have a small suggestions for you:

... all efforts to study without being distracted by part-time jobs which used to earned money to pay their tuition fees.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14982 4813  
Aug 5, 2020   #3
There is a minimum of 3 sentences and a maximum of 5 sentences per paragraph. Your introduction and conclusion do not meet the minimum paragraph standards. The paraphrasing for the introduction is incomplete as it does not deliver a clearer version of the original prompt and its discussion points. The conclusion did not summarize the discussion points as you laid out in your reasoning paragraphs. So those 2 paragraphs will reduce your final score.

The reasoning paragraphs need to be more focused. You are not discussing a comparative essay but writing a defensive essay. The defensive essay has the sole purpose of proving that your singular point of view is valid for the discussion as presented. The defense if presented over 2 related paragraphs that fully explain and support the discussion sentence in every paragraph. Avoid presenting more than one topic per paragraph in the defensive essay so that your presentation will not be under developed. Your current presentation has too many topic sentences and not enough development in terms of evidence and explanation.

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