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some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are more advantages to living in

Nglinh177 1 / -  
Jun 12, 2024   #1
Nowadays , some people think that living in a house have more advantages than in a apartment. Others feel it is not true, because they see apartment more convenient. In my opinion, a house is a good choice with variety of advantages.

Firstly, house is lager than apartment. Therefor people can utilize its convenient like expand space for their house, design whatever in their home. For example they can fix their home, and do not afraid that neighbors will explain. To follow this perspective, households can build a garden follow their favorite style, and a swimming pool, have a good time with outdoor activities in the front of house or a backyard. moreover, they have area to celebrate a big party and invite a lot of friend to enjoy that moment.

On the another hand, choosing an apartment, dwellers usually intense a tiny space, and most of them is live in a city where it include several of pollution, difficult for transport, be limited by noise in a flat. Sometimes, risks are big, for instance, fire safety mechanism ; water, power,system which can be get trouble anytime. All of them obstruct for people who live in apartment if they have not been teach the ways to solve these problem.

To sum up, everyone has the right to choose their accommodation, each formality have its own benefit and risk. But, from an objective point of view, living in a house will take more advantages than living in an apartment.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14985 4814  
Jun 12, 2024   #2
The essay is short of the minimum requirement by 2 words. That is too bad. You will still receive deductions for the missing 2 words. Had you place just a little more effort into the writing of the essay, you would have avoided the minimal point deductions. The examiner will have to apply the deductions because you did not meet the word requirement for the task.


Lager is beer, that is not to be confused with "larger" which indicates the expanse of an area. You need to review your vocabulary. Make sure that such errors do not happen again. When you are uncertain of the word meaning, try to use another equivalent or say the idea in a different way. You will receive LR point deductions for this mistake.

choosing an apartment, dwellers usually intense a tiny space

I have no idea what you are trying to say here. Expect that the examiner will deduct more points from your LR, C+C, and GRA scores.

Home / Writing Feedback / some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are more advantages to living in
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