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Percentage of diverse leisure activities chosen by Australian boys and girls aging from 5 to 14

dynaranjani 27 / 24 18  
Dec 4, 2015   #1
IELTS TASK 1 - Preferred leisure activities of Australian children

The given bar chart shows information about the percentage of diverse leisure activities chosen by Australian boys and girls with the interval age from 5 to 14 years old. Overall, despite of their similarity, it seems that some challenging activities are dominated by boys while girls prefer doing an activity relating with art and craft.

Apparently, Australian children have a same interest in order to spend their time as about 100% of both sexes choose watching TV or videos as their most favorite activity. Then, electronic or computer games become the second most preferable activity with the proportion of 80% boys and 60% girls. Surprisingly, at fairly similar percentage, roughly 58%, girls prefer riding bike as well as doing art and craft activity when they have leisure time. While three-quarters boys confirm that they are happier to ride a bike, only the lowest proportion of them, at approximately 38%, who choose art and craft activity as their favorite. Having a gap around 15% lower than boys, girls enjoy skateboarding or rollerblading, although, 38% boys actually prefer to do it during their spare-time.

vangiespen - / 4131 1449  
Dec 4, 2015   #2
Dynar, when you are preparing a report for academic lecture, it is important that you always use the keywords in the provided report. This creates the necessary academic tone in your lecture and creates an air of authority about you.

The given bar chart shows information about the percentage of diverse leisure activities chosen PREFERRED by Australian boys and girls with the interval age from between the ages of 5 to 14 years old . Overall, despite of their similarity, it seems that BOYS DOMINATE THE some challenging activities are dominated by boys while girls prefer doing an activity PREFER TO PARTICIPATE IN ACTIVITIES RELATED TO relating with artS and craftS.

Apparently, Australian children have a THE same interestS. THE SURVEY SHOWS THAT BOTH SEXES ENJOY THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITY AT 100 %: in order to spend their time as about 100% of both sexes choose watching TV or videos as their most favorite activity. Then, WHILE THE SECOND MOST PREFERRED ACTIVITY FOR BOTH ARE RELATED TO electronic or computer games become the second most preferable activity with the A proportion of 80% boys and 60% girls. Surprisingly, at A fairly similar percentage, roughly OF 58%, girls prefer riding bikeS as well as doing artS and craftS activity ACTIVITIES when they have DURING THEIR leisure time. While three-quarters boys confirmED that WHILE they are happier to ride a bike, only the lowest proportion of them, at approximately 38%, who choose INDICATED THAT artS and craftS activity as ACTIVITIES WERE their favoriteS. Having a gap OF around 15% lower than boys, girls enjoyED skateboarding or rollerblading, although, 38% boys actually prefer to do it during their spare-time.


Pay attention to the tense usage for these types of essays. Since you are doing a report on a survey that has already been done and you have studied already, you should always use the immediate past tense form. You need to also be mindful of the fact that all of the information in this type of report indicates that the plural form of words must be used.

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