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IELTS; Popular advertisement makes people to buy various goods

fahadbd 25 / 56 5  
Aug 22, 2013   #1
Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of the advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, technology has switched our life in many aspects like popular goods exhibition by terrestrial media. Advertising is a very convenient way for both customers and producers because it deals a way of purchasing and selling between them. In order to introduce a lunched consumer product, advertisement tempts consumers to purchase it as well. However, in my opinion, the way of advertising mentioned seems to true while not having the real needs.

Producers sell the high sales of goods focusing on the television screen, they often select popular and famous singers or actors as for their advertisements. Generally, people who like them emotionally, buy even though unnecessary needs. They are lured using a technique of tricked method. As products are highlighted with gorgeous and good quality on the TV screen but reality sometimes may be negative. Although, Not all but many products are consumed every day life while they are advertising. But the objective of advertising goods is to make products popular in the field.

People have own thought whether they will buy or not depending on their eyes-views. On the other hand, there are various aspects among the people. Some people buy impulsively after the advertisements showcase. They hardly assess the quality. It prompts among the elite classes of households. they need to be judged of measured commodities from their own parts.

In conclusion, it can be said that various goods people consume only by the popular advertisement. Every one has their own thinking on what to buy or which thinks will be better in the sense of assessment.

nlakhots 5 / 9  
Aug 23, 2013   #2
well written...but still sum more points needed...like apart 4m celebs in ads...offers provided on products..!!
mahgh123 5 / 14 5  
Aug 23, 2013   #3
Dear friend, in this statement the sounds of media effect on our life does not any sense at all.

Nowadays, technology has switched our life in many aspects like popular goods exhibition by terrestrial media.

Both switch and terrestrial don't use to advertisement and those effect/results.
You can use switch when some thing similarity can use instead of ones. for example a worker can switch instead on one who can work like him.

Terrestrial media!! where you see this term? we have terrestrial plant/animal.

In this statement:

Advertising is a very convenient way for both customers and producers because it deals a way of purchasing and selling between them.

You have to explain why this kind of trading is convenient? you have more repetition without complete reasons and supports.

Also, your ideas are an awkward one. please at the first time wrote your purpose as a kind of map mind. so distinguished and classifying them as blueprint/main ideas like ielts Cambridge reading. Then write your support.

I mean when you write such a writing in your real exam you may take only 5 or perhaps 5.5 even when you use this kind of words that those are unusual for your essay. you have to use the correct collocation of each words that you use it.

with this subject please write another one, so I revise it again.

be success,

dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Sep 2, 2013   #4
I'm going to suggest you a structure for your introduction.
Hook - The statement that can grab reader's attention.

Advertising is a very convenient way for both customers and producers because it deals a way of purchasing and selling between them

... this is fine for that purpose
Background - Intoduce the argument; e.g. However, some people believe that high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of the advertising and not their real needs.

Your View - Express your position

in my opinion, the way of advertising mentioned seems to true while not having the real needs.

...this is it

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