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TOEFL Practice - knowledge gained from experience or knowledge gained from books

Euge_A 1 / -  
May 5, 2014   #1
In this essay, i will explain why i think that the knowledge gained from experience it is better than knowledge gained from books.
First of all , I beliave that when someone learn something new through their own experience it is more direct that learn from books.
One of the reasons it is because books are great source of information and come from differents experiences. Thus the experience it is the based of every knowledge.

For the other hand , also it is very usefull read the basic knowledge and experience of other people through the books and after that have your own experiences.

I addition, when the people gained knowledge from experience probable retain in our memory more time and start to develop more self-confidence. For instance,
it is notable the different between a person that start a new job and already studied from books , but didn't have experience yet , and someone that work in the same

job for a period of time. The experiences help to be confidence doing the job more quickly and provide better solutions and more efficients.
In conclusion, gained knowledge from books and experiences are complementary and very important, but i think that the experience it is essential and in generally

cannot replace with the knowledge gained from books, as the saying ¨Practice makes perfect¨ , the only way to develop a particular skill it is from your own experiences.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
May 7, 2014   #2
First, there are few things you need to follow when you open a new thread. Include your prompt in your post so that others get a clear idea about what it expects from you and they can provide more meaningful feedbacks accordingly. :)

In this essay, i will explain why i think that the knowledge gained from experience it is better than knowledge gained from books.

Well, this looks like your introduction. However, it lacks the features that help you score for this task.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
May 9, 2014   #3
One of the reasons why it is becauseso is that books are great source of information and come from differentsdifferent experiences.

Thus the experience it is the based of every knowledge.

.... your idea is not at all clear :( Better rephrase to enhance its effect.

In addition, when the people gained knowledge from experience,probablesuch knowledge is more likely to retain in our memory more time and start tohelping us develop more self-confidence.
eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
May 10, 2014   #4
Look at what Pahan suggests you with the structure (a 4-paragraph essay). With this structure, you are easy to develop your paragraph properly. This is good for coherence and cohesion between the sentence-to-paragraph-to-essay construction.

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