why friendship is gradually dying?
"A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside." - Winnie the Pooh, a fictional character in several works by writer Alan Alexander Milne. Indeed, our life becomes meaningful and wonderful when we have a true friend. Friendship helps us nourish emotions inside and connects each of us mutually. However, beautiful relationship in the current society is gradually dying because of the most common reasons such as mental health and stress, conflict and misunderstanding, and changing priorities.
The first reason, when we have our own life as a result pressure is a thing that is out of the question for us to avoid. In other words, we face daily life pressures that can come from mental health issues, and financial, etc.,... occur in parallel.These factors make people stressed and tired, and very difficult for them to open up to everyone. Therefore, friendship right now is no longer important, and they also can not continue to make it better.
The second reason is many sufferers get into this trouble. As young as we are, our friendship is notorious as we have a conflict and trivial misunderstandings. At that time, from everyone's perspective, resolving our problem was uncomplicated and comfortable. However, after that, we will not spend time handling conflicts in friendship because our opinion has changed, and we have many things more important in our head.
The last reason, the majority of us are all right to change a single priority for ourselves. We have family, future careers, and plans in the long term that need to be done. It leads to friendship sometimes becoming less important, as faint as it is. Investing time for a call or a date with a friend is impossible.
Many people suppose that friendship is insignificant since they believe that many relationships outside are more important than it. Contrastingly, many people believe in our life at least need a friend, a good friendship. In brief, friendship is a vital part of our lives. Our well-being and happiness are crucial parts that depend on friendship. Hence, friendship has a big effect on our lives, and those factors discussed can not kill a relationship immediately, but they can gradually let a friendship die step by step.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15169 You have provided reasons for friendships ending. Those do not necessarily reflect the death of friendships. You are speaking from a personal perspective when it is the general perception regarding friendships that you should be focused on in the essay. You have a problem explaining yourself in the essay. Your sentences are often not clear to the reader because of faulty word choices. You should be concentrating on writing clear paragraphs instead of simple word usage. Your word usage skills are not really helpful when you cannto form coherent sentences such as a in this case. You have to make sure that you can actually express yourself clearly to your reader. Always have someone else read your work first, then ask if your ideas are clear to them. If you cannot provide that, then you have to write the essay anew.