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Reed Essay (interest in a liberal arts and science education)

bizkitgirlzc 29 / 2  
Sep 24, 2007   #1
Hello, here is a college essay I'm writing for Reed College and their essay asks for to describe your interest in a liberal arts and science education and in Reed itself. Could someone help me with it?

High School Application

When I was in middle school, I didn't give it too much thought in applying to high school. I knew that I wanted to be in one of the three specialized science high schools - Stuyvesant, Bronx Science or Brooklyn Technical. I ended up in the latter. And so I went along with what fate had decided for me - I attended Brooklyn Tech. My decision seemed simple at the time considering that I was being offered to go to one of the top schools in New York City. How could I possibly refuse?

But I didn't think. I didn't think about the 4,000 other high school students that would be attending or about the student body that studied as fiercely or fiercer than I did or about the immense competition. All in all, I didn't give Brooklyn Tech too much thought. I just went.

It wasn't until I began my third week there that I realized that in this school I was just another number - a statistic. But I didn't transfer out, like so many had done and that was because in some twisted, distorted way, I liked Brooklyn Tech. It was full of diversity, a cultural wonderland where I had friends from all different backgrounds and who were as ambitious and as studious as I was. Yet something was missing, something essential.

I went to Tech because I wanted to learn science in a way that no other school offered. But I ended up discovering that I could love the arts, the social sciences as well. And those too I wanted to learn about. Sooner than later, I began to realize that I wasn't fitting in with the "Technite" mentality anymore. And the reason was simple - I just wanted to learn. I didn't care for my monetary ambitions as much, because they didn't seem as important as contributing to humanity or learning. In short, I wanted to know and they wanted the dough.

But the more classes I took, the more interdisciplinary I craved to be. I didn't want to be specified in just one area, I wanted to mix science with art - I wanted to see Marie Curie and Salvador Dali do wonders. I didn't stop at chemistry and turn my back on history, I combined them.

I realized that it was okay for me to love the physical sciences and still crave the liberal arts - to love anthropology and genetics. And most importantly, it was okay for me to want to learn and not care about whether I was going to end up a millionaire or not because there were others like me too; others who enjoyed intellectual stimulation for nonprofit reasons.

It was then when I decided that the college I would attend would let me combine my passions. It would allow me to be myself. It would have a small student body, unlike my current school. It would be an intellectual atmosphere where learning was loved above all else. It would be paradise. It would be Reed.

EF_Team2 1 / 1703  
Sep 24, 2007   #2

I think you've written a very good essay! The only recommendation that I would make is to spend another couple of sentences on Reed itself; you don't mention it until the very last word, and I suspect they would like to hear a little more about why you want to attend their school in particular, as opposed to any other liberal arts school. Aside from that, I think you've done an excellent job of explaining how your interests expanded from science to encompass the arts and social sciences as well.

Good work!


Sarah, EssayForum.com
EF_Team2 1 / 1703  
Sep 25, 2007   #3

I like what you've done with the ending! Very nice!

If the word limit is 500, you should not go over 500; however, that is easily fixed by rewriting your first sentence like this:

When I was in middle school, I didn't give much thought to applying to high school.

And a couple of corrections:
And those, too, I wanted to learn about. Sooner, rather than later,

Best of luck in your studies!


Sarah, EssayForum.com

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