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It is our responsibility to the earth to solve the climate crisis

rosadesiana 38 / 40 2  
Sep 21, 2016   #1

Based on what Al gore explained on the TED video about the climate crisis, it should be solve by us as a human, it is our responsibility to the earth. To rejuvenate the climate crisis, we basically have to be optimism that we can transform and resolve the damage of nature. To be optimism to our ability in handling this global conflict, we first have to be extremely active as a citizen. To confront the activities which lead to the increasing destruction of nature. As what military history has shown us that to accomplish 3 different major drawbacks a variety of allocations is needed, approaches, requires, and strategies. As well as military history, the climate crisis classified into different categories. First, about the local environment, the most frequently being discussed, include in air pollution, water pollution, and hazardous waste. Second, is Acid Rain which causes by the electricity generation, factories, and motor vehicles. The biggest impact of Acid Rain will be experienced by the acid sensitive animals and vegetation particularly aquatic animals as the PH declines. While the local environment effect to the weather all of kinds is getting to be extreme, frozen water on earth is melting, the oceans are getting hotter and so on. The climate crisis is a global strategic conflict which affected to everything around the globe. As a human, we should pay more attention to this matter, we need to be united and begin to put efforts to resolve the damage nature. As the most steps we have to do is to change our behavior to be more environmentally friendly in every single activity. The following steps are, people in the world should contribute to the certain steps to confront the climate crisis, such as, organize responses, worldwide global mobilization, global transition, efficiency, and renewable energy. Because it is an urgent action to save the earth, it shown of the data in last 28 years, the arctic polar ice declined dramatically almost a half of its area. In next 5 years, the arctic polar will be fully vanished if we, as human, do not change our intrinsic behavior which disrupt the earth especially the climate. In the US, 2005, carbon dioxide which has been released about 6,1 billion tones which equal with 1,2 billion elephants. Such disruptions are not only happen in developed country, the developing countries are following behind. It can be obviously seen that the use of emissions in 2000 in developing country was at the same level as the emission has been produced by developed country in 1965. The solution which Al gore suggested is to put a price on Carbon, which can help the poverty simultaneously. He was assured that as long as the people in the world are believe and constantly put their best efforts to change the world, start from changing their behavior, the earth will be saved.

eve01 24 / 40 5  
Sep 21, 2016   #2
hi ros^^

here is some advises for you, hope it works

>>First, is about the local environment,
>>... causes by the electricity generations , factories, and motor vehicles.
>>animals as the PH declines. , While the local environment givesan effect to the weather,all of kinds isall of environments are getting to be extreme,

keep writing ^^
correct mine too
Jawa 11 / 17 1  
Sep 21, 2016   #3
let me try to give you some corrections

it should be solved by us as a human, it is our responsibility to the earth

to make a passive form you need to put past participle verb after be.

To be optimism optimistic to our ability in handling this global conflict

it was(you need to put be) shown of the data in last 28 years

hope this helps,
andika08 81 / 80 16  
Sep 21, 2016   #4
You have a good summary
I have some corrections

As a human, we people should be more concerned about this matterpaymore attention to this matter , we people need to be united and begin to put efforts to resolve the damage nature. As the most steps we people have to do is to changed our their behavior to be more environmentally friendly in every single activity. The following steps are Then, people in the world should becontributed to the certain steps to confront the climate crisis, such as which are, organize responses,...

... action to save the earth, it shown of the data in last ...
Such disruptions are not only happened in developed country, the ...
It can be obviously seen aspects that the use of emissions ...
Finally,He was assured that (...) are believe and constantly.Then, put their best efforts to change ...

Maybe there are several words are used twice, so you can change with the similar words.
You can divided sentences because it is too long.

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