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'strike while the iron is hot' - Topic: "Is spanking a good way to discipline children?"

nvnhcmus 1 / 1  
May 10, 2015   #1
It is said that strike while the iron is hot, therefore any parents who wanted their children in obedience. In addition, spanking is the first and popular choice they could do. Though it is an immediate discipline that could make the children act in completely obedience, it could cause some affect to children's life.

When the children make something into pieces or make a serious mistake, their parent will punish them. Some will consul and analyse their fault in continuous one-or-two hour lesson; others will give them a hit right way. I think that the lesson with one hit is a strong signal for the children not to do again. Instead of wasting a lot of time on teaching the children, the spanking will instantly help the offender to know what is right or what is wrong. Moreover, in case you have a naughty boy, the counsel is not an appropriate idea. Further, the pain that the children feel after the punishment is not only a feeling of real life but also a way to help them to bring up. They will have deep knowledge in the causal relationship.

On the other hand, the spanking also makes some troubles for the parents. The children will be better only the parents' punishment and children's full understanding coming along. When the children are beaten, they will remember that scenery. That could affect their feeling and emotions when growing up and may lead them become a rude and violent man in the future. I also remember a story about how to teach the children. A dad hit his only little son so strong that the doctor had to cut all of serious fingers of the son because of his carving words into his new father's car. After that, there is a long time for regretting causes by the innocent question of the son "Daddy, when do my finger grow up again" and the line "Daddy, I love you so much," which the child carved some days ago on the car. If the magic existed in the world, the man should read the line before and then give his child a warm hug instead of a bad damage in body.

In a word, one of the best way to teach children is not the spanking. Although it has its power, it is not the suitable method in long time. The parent, who should think carefully answer the two question: How to teach the children and whom they will become.
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
May 10, 2015   #2
- "strike while the iron is hot', this quote means when the opportunity opens, go grab it, personally I don't think this has something to do with the topic on hand.

Paragraph rephrased;

Teaching children the importance of obedience is one lesson that is quite hard to fulfill. In the long run, this leaves parents with not much choice but spanking the children. It's not only the best choice, its also a traditional way of teaching the kids to be obedient. Now, what about the cause of this practice to our children's lives?

Nvn, your essay needs a lot of work. I did rephrase the first few sentences. I suggest that you rewrite it and post it back.

Take note of the following;
- use of punctuation, your semi colon (;) should not be used to replace comma (,), when you have a few things to explain in a sentence, you can use commas.

- train of thought and ideas, make sure that you have a flow in your essay and paragraph it so your readers can breath thought it, also keep your paragraph in a logical order.

- conclude your essay with the answer to your question in the beginning of the essay, like this one below;

In a word, one of the best way to teach children is not the spanking. Although it has its power, it is not the suitable method in long time. The parent, who should think carefully answer the two question: How to teach the children and whom they will become.


So, is spanking the best way to discipline children? Personally, I'd rather not, I believe in talking it out and know why they did it, what really happened and how will they avoid it from happening in the future. The most important thing is for the children to respect you not only as their parent but also as a person that they can count on whenever they need to.

Hope this helped and we look forward to the next post.

Keep writing
OP nvnhcmus 1 / 1  
May 10, 2015   #3
justivy03, thank you so much for the useful advice. I will rewrite my essay.

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