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Students' evaluating teachers

nbvietha 1 / -  
May 8, 2024   #1
Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In the fast-paced and ever-present era, finding approaches to enhance educational quality has always been emphasized in every education system. While some argue that high school students have certain rights to evaluate or even criticize their teachers' performance, others contend that this may give rise to disrespect and indiscipline in the auditorium setting. From my perspective, both of the viewpoints are true to some extent.

On the one hand, it is evident that allowing teenagers to make comments and criticize their teachers may provoke a loss of respect and order in the classroom. At the outset, this is generally since most high school students hardly have the thorough understanding, experience and maturity needed to make insightful remarks during lectures. Consequently, the whole lesson is probably full of innocent opinions, which means the teacher may waste time on a useless activity. Additionally, should some students hold prejudices about the teachers giving them bad marks or being highly strict with them, there will certainly be a few unjust criticisms towards these teachers' performances, thereby having adverse impacts on their long-standing reputation.

On the flip side, many people, myself included, opine that it is immensely beneficial to both teachers and students if pupils are empowered to express their own standpoints toward their teachers in an auditorium setting. First and foremost, through such reviews, teachers have opportunities to improve their teaching methods and develop classroom skills, enhancing professionalism and teaching techniques tailor-made to students' needs. It also facilitates teachers' assessment of how optimally their students comprehend the lectures. Regarding students, by being given the freedom to rate their teachers, they may feel a part of the school and be connected with the school authority; therefore, they will more often attend lectures as well as proactively make constructive suggestions. In this sense, it helps them identify the teachers who require further training. The whole process will undoubtedly develop the education system in which they learn.

On balance, the educational approach of encouraging high school students to evaluate their teacher's performance will irrefutably bring numerous practical merits to both students and teachers, improving academic achievements despite the fact that some may face initial disrespect and disorder in the institution environment.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
May 17, 2024   #2
What is missing for your presentation is the comparison point between the public and your personal opinion. For each public opinion, you should explain why the opinion is correct, then counter it with reasons that will disprove its validity, within the same paragraph. That is how you properly write this compare and contrast essay. You must consider both sides of the discussion and then present your opinion from a position of strength that will allow you to convince the reader that your opinion is the more valid and believable one. You somewhat accomplished that in the 2nd reasoning paragraph but, because you combined the public and private discussion in that paragraph, you were not able to place a more convincing line of reasoning in place.

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