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Writing Task 2: Most successful inventions do not rely on complicated technology.

swara86 2 / 10  
Jan 28, 2016   #1
Most successful inventions do not rely on complicated technology. In fact, some of the world's greatest invention have been very simple things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Cutting-edge advance on user-friendly technology application is effective to attract consumers. I strongly agree that simply design and invaluable feature have a significant impact in successful of a new product.

There is no doubted that many new products accepted by the consumer because of simplifying the features Many high-tech companies compete to make the sophisticated design. Firstly, telephone manufacturing company such as Blackberry, Nokia and Siemens produced their cell phone with a keypad; however, Apple launched iPhone first generation with a minimalist design which has flat LCD and only a button, so the consumer was fond of this smartphone. This concept is breakthrough the handphone concept all the time; hence, others develop new gadget with less button and to standardize of the smartphone. Secondly, Camera Company invents mirror lens camera. This model is a combination of professional camera feature and compact camera design, so this camera has a professional features with less height and space on the bag that is easier to bring in some conditions. Many photographers, even professional, adore this new idea. So not only function is important but also the design has significant role as customer choice

However, many products, which is popular now, was difficult operation before. For Instance, computer had a great size and plenty of buttons at first launched. Although the machine size was same as a desk and only can few function such only calculation, many big companies bought high price.

In conclusion, I agree that The phenomenal invention is a combination of elegant design and easy to use tend to successful in the market. So companies innovate their product dramatically
Crystal812 23 / 55 11  
Jan 29, 2016   #2
have a significant impact in on

There is no doubted that many new products (are)accepted by the consumer because of simplifying the features.

This concept is (a) breakthrough (of) the handphone concept all the time;

to standardize of the smartphone.???

hasa professional features

has significant role???

In conclusion, I agree that The phenomenal invention is a combination of elegant design and easy to use tend to successful in the market. (many verbs in one sentence)

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